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 | Documentation becomes momentarily revised!
Infinity-Profan is a Programming-Language for Android, with the one classic program can.
tappt im dunkeln functions with a On-Demand Kompilierer and of/ one Online-IDE, about circa on each unit and everywhere program to, means on the Smartphone self for Smartphones.
most important ask and Answer having we with whom FAQ gelistet: [...] 
Infinity-Profans View source-Syntax is simply cool. tappt im dunkeln bid einerseits The advantages from Java/ C, but too from PHP, JS and XProfan/ Basic and chasing this concept To there to a sinnvollen and optimierten Programming-Language, also eachone simply type and simply erlernen can.
additionally own Infinity-Profan a completely new Operator, whom "Space-Operator" [...] what The ohnehin simple Syntax over again explicit vereinfacht.
Notes for Programmier-Beginner:
The Auswertung the Argumente results not How in Basic, separate How in Java/ PHP/ C, because here counts a Syntax something lane of Basic there To higher Languages: Basic/ XProfan: Infinity-Profan: the simple Gleichheitszeichen is always one Zuweiser, the double vergleicht The values (How with Basic the simple Gleichheitszeichen). XProfan/ Basic: Infinity-Profan: Please too The differences between whom Operators & and && and = and == and === discover [...] 
Download/ into Cart14,95 € inkl. MwSt.
no Shipping fee |
 | 1 kB | 14,95 € inkl. Tax. no Shipping fee | | item: | DE-9530 | | Bezeichnung: | InfinityProfan | | Version: | 1.1 | | Kurzbeschreibung: | Infinity-Profan Einzelentwicklerlizenz. (Vorverkauf, Betaversion) | | Hochgeladen: | 02/12/15 | | | | Download | | | | 8 kB | | Hochgeladen: | 11/08/15 | | Downloadcounter: |  | | | Download | | | | 1 kB | 14,95 € inkl. Tax. no Shipping fee | | item: | DE-10268 | | Bezeichnung: | InfinityProfan | | Version: | 1.1 | | Kurzbeschreibung: | Infinity-Profan Schul/ Lehranstalt-license | | Hochgeladen: | 11/08/15 | | | | Download |
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one can one proposition in the IDE as "veröffentlicht" Mark so it n this App-net curtain Schonmal appear. |
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 HofK | Teste I still same time with moon and world! |
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Version raise:
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so is the 0.0.1 as 0.0.2 published and a 0.0.3 (unveröffentlicht) lying as News proposition to. |
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 HofK | has immediate worked , power sense The published Version in the archive to have. concerns: book1-3-1-moon-world |
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need Update. |
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piloting so rather? [...]  |
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 HofK | now is correctly. structure drin ------- +++++ |
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Play-net curtain ought to the Update but too offer. |
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 ByteAttack | |
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z.B. too durchgängig of 16 To 19 watch.
background: I put a further Kompilierer-Server on. |
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Kompilierer again accessible. |
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