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function: dev.gps

{ zero | long | aray } = dev.gps [ ( [ bool active ] ) ]  

The function dev.gps bid Opportunities for Positionsermittlung, Positionsdaten stand simply in aray = dev.gps(). The Positionsermittlung can with dev.gps(true) activate go.

Info: usually sees Android it to, that it for different Opportunities the Positionserkennung too Own Konstrukte gives - so is about The recognition over the Provider "Netzwerk" another as The over GPS or The over "WLAN". Infinity-Profan edge any these Opportunities together and bid a homogeneous call. so can also a genauere position determined go without that GPS explizit activate watts of User.

becomes no Parameter transfer, then sustain one this assoziatives aray with the actually Positionsinformationen:

print "Ermittlung: "+(dev.gps(true)==true?"Aktiv":"konnte not activate werden")// recognition enable

proc event id dta

    case id==event.backkey : end

    if id==event.gps

        print "Positionsdaten:"
        print dta



Info: it'll the event event.gps on The proc event supplied, same to the The Positionsermittlung a worth detect could and fortlaufend. Positionswerte stand then in the aray in data.

toggles the User GPS hinzu, then is the position solely accurate (accuracy).

worth lists gives again whether The Infinity-Profan-Positionsbestimmung activate or not. Per aray providers can determined go, whether the User Positionsbestimmung at all allows and at least 1 Positions"provider" angezapft go could.

Providers is a assoziatives aray with Schlüsselnamen which modes the Standortbestimmung angezapft go could. has the User Standorterkennung deaktiviert then is the aray 0 Entries big.

Üben len(dev.gps()["providers "]) can therefore The Number of available modes detect.

in the aray satelites stand detailierte Information to the angezapften Sateliten:

long id: interne Nr. the Sat
long signal: 0-99, Signalstärke to that unit
long azimuth: 0-360, Horizontalwinkel to that unit
long elevation: 0-90, Höhenwinkel to that unit

Üben len(dev.gps()["satelites"]) can therefore The Number of akquirierten Satelliten detect.

Keywords: GPS, position, Location, network



values lists and found:

worth lists gives again whether The AndroidProfan-Positionsbestimmung activate or not. worth found gives on whether the User Positionsbestimmung at all allows and at least 1 Positions"provider" angezapft go could.

New: More GPS-Information, now too To each individual Satelliten:
long lists
aray providers
float longitude
float latitude
float altitude
float accuracy
float bearing
float speed
string provider
aray satellites

New thereby is aray providers as well as aray satelites.

Providers is a assoziatives aray with Schlüsselnamen which modes the Standortbestimmung angezapft go could. has the User Standorterkennung deaktiviert then is the aray 0 Entries big.

Üben len(gps()["providers "]) can therefore The Number of available modes detect.

in the aray satelites stand detailierte Information to the angezapften Sateliten:
long id: interne Nr. the Sat
long signal: 0-99, Signalstärke to that unit
long azimuth: 0-360, Horizontalwinkel to that unit
long elevation: 0-90, Höhenwinkel to that unit

Üben len(gps()["satellites"]) can therefore The Number of akquirierten Satelliten detect.


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