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| proc event ( long id [, { long data | aray data } ] )
function event becomes called, once one globales Event appears How z.B. pressing of Systemtasten or one Error.
Overview the Event-IDs:
User-IDs should always small -1 his.
-1: ERROR, one Systemfehler is aufgetreten: data["nr"] and data["msg"] hold genauere Fehlerinformationen ready 1: Zurücktaste (hardware o. Softbutton) watts betätigt 2: Menütaste (hardware o. Softbutton) watts betätigt
Events for keyboard:
100: Button watts pressed, Tastencode in data 101: Button watts losgelassen, Tastencode in data
Events for mouse/ Fingerberührung on screen:
200: fingers/mouse on display staid 201: fingers/mouse on display moving 202: fingers/mouse of display removes In Data finds itself each 1 assoziatives aray with subesquent Schlüsseln: long p = pointer = fingers (ID one Fingers, 0..x) float x = position on screen float y = position on screen float press: Druckstärke, with Fingern mostly 1.0 float size: The Aufdruckgröße string devicename: Bezeichnung the Stiftes, something like How "sec_e-pen" with Pens or or "sec_touchscreen" with fingers long deviceid = eindeutige Gerätenummer The to Neustarts but differently his can string device = eindeutige GeräteID also Neustarts übersteht
1000: Resume, The APP watts again into Vordergrund gotten 1100: Fokusänderung, according to Data whether APP again whom Fokus has or it lost has about because of operating the Vorhanges etc. 1200: Konfigurationsänderung in the unit: Bildschirmrotation or Auflösungsänderung or Hardwaretastatur on- /abgesteckt - ggf. see assoziatives aray data. 1250: screen watts one- or off according to data.
3000: GPS-position or accuracy has changed, see assoziatives aray in data: lists, found, latitude,longitude,altitude, accuracy, bearing, speed, provider.
4000: battery-Information having itself changed. Erweiterte Batterieinformationen with function device() relating!
5000: unit becomes heruntergefahren, whether Neustart standing in data 5100: unit Dockingstation-Event.
6000: One- or Ausgehender call, see assoziatives aray in data.
7000: Meldet, if one asynchroner http-Download, which Content not on a Proc separate in a File detoured go should, is done.
8000: process one Textfeldes or one Buttons.
Keywords: event,onbackpressed,onerror,onmenupressed,onkey,mouse,ontap,fingers, battery, phonestate |
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| New Event:
3000: GPS-position or accuracy has changed, see assoziatives aray in data: latitude,longitude,altitude, accuracy, bearing, speed, provider. |
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| New Event:
4000: battery-Information having itself changed. Erweiterte Batterieinformationen with function device() relating! |
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| 2 new Events:
1250: screen watts one- or off according to data |
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| 3 new Events:
5000: unit becomes heruntergefahren or new launched according to data 5100: unit Dockingstation-Event. |
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| New Event:
6000: One- or Ausgehender call, see assoziatives aray in data for phone number and status. |
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HofK | with event are The Konstantenbezeichnungen possible not 100% clear.
therefore first once one suggestion:
event.error = -1 event.backkey = 1 event.menukey = 2 event.keydown = 100 event.keyup = 101 event.touchdown =200 event.touchmove = 201 event.touchend = 202 event.resume = 1000 event.focus = 1100 event.config = 1200 event.display.on = 1250 event.display.off = 1251 event.gps = 3000 event.battery = 4000 event.shutdown = 5000 event.reboot = 5001 event.docking = 5100 event.phonecall = 6000 |
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| Hm means I find The super, what übersehe I? |
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| New: (first to nächstem Update available!)
event.asynchttpmsg = 7000
Meldet, if one asynchroner http-Download, which Content not on a Proc separate in a File detoured go should, is done. |
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| event.display.on and event.display.off abstracted To event.display
whether on or off in data
event.reboot and event.shutdown abstracted To
whether reboot in data |
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HofK | with event can very simply and clear a adjust, situationsbezogene Gestensteuerung release.
See View source [...] to that example gps-track [...] |
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| New: event.button = 8000
process one Textfelders or one Buttons - genaueres in data.ctrl and data.state.
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