Functions and Help

function: gui.background

long = gui.background ( { long Control | [ aray ( long Controls , long Column , long Row ) ] } [, mix Color ] )

setting The Backgroundcolor one Controls on Parameter long Color.

is Parameter Color however one aray, then arise one Farbverlauf:

[WinkelInGrad,[ProzentWert,rgb(r,g,b [,a])],[ProzentWert,rgb(r,g,b [,a])],...]

Col is the function rgb(r,g,b[,a]) To relating,
% standing for a Prozentwert long 0 To 100,
Winkel is so To understand: 0° shows to supra, means 12 watch, 90° to right (means 3 watch)

Info with Farbverläufen: it can as much as you want segments definiert go, at least however must 2 segments definiert go. launch the first cut offed not Prozentwert 0, then becomes automatically one worth for Prozentwert 0 eingefügt with the same colour as first colour in the aray. end the last cut offed not Prozentwert 100, then becomes automatically one worth for Prozentwert 100 appended with the same colour as latest colour in the aray.


example for a Farbverlauf for gui.hwnd, of supra down, of
Black to white:
gui.background gui.hwnd [180 [0 rgb 0 0 0] [100 rgb 255 255 255]]

this here:

1. Text-Controls can no Backgroundcolor own, but the Grid-cell on the one Text-Control prepares is. If for a Text-Control The option gui.background apply becomes, then becomes tappt im dunkeln detoured around the Backgroundcolor the Grid-cell To settle.

2. Grid-Controls can no Backgroundcolor own, but the Grid-boxes the Grid-Controls. If gui.background on one Grid instead of only on a Grid-cell apply becomes, then becomes gui.background on any Grid-boxes apply.

is ex nächstem Update not any more validly.

so can Text-Controls Own Hintergründe own and whole Grid-Controls can Own Hintergründe own.

the power the produce "hübscher" UIs then explicit plainer.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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