Functions and Help

function: msg.box

msg.box ( cover [, Text, [ { string Button | aray Buttons }, [ string EingabefeldTextVorgabe [, @myProc ] ] ] ] )

Created a asynchrone MessageBox, it can at the same time several MessageBoxen showing.

Each MessageBox force to Interaction - at least The Zurücktaste must pressed go or it must selection met go (if Buttons showing should).

for the Ergebnisübermittlung can a Proc indicate, The then called is with Ergebnissen, when the User on The Message reacted has.

there the commands not only How MessageBox Messages Show can separate too How (of XProfan bekanntes: ) input$ on TextEingaben wait, can msg too uses go for Passworteingaben and for mehrzeilige Texteingaben.


shows one Window with text without title bar, can only with the Zurücktaste closed go:
msg.box "Text"

a "OK"-Button add by third Parameter befüllen:
msg.box "Titel","Text","OK"

no Text and none cover separate only a OK-Button:

More than 1 Button (max. 3) Show, dritter Parameter as an array:
msg.box "Titel","Text",["OK","Abbrechen"]

cover and text and 3 Buttons:
msg.box "Text","Titel",["Knopf1","Knopf2","Knopf3"]

Input Show. 4. Parameter benefit MIT zero (no Input) or the "" (Input without Vorgabetext) or directly a Vorgabetext indicate "Vorgabetext":
msg.box "Titel","Text",["OK","Abbrechen"],"texteingabe"

the Input can different properties own. If properties for the Text box staid go should then whom 4. Parameter as an array transfer:
msg.box "Titel","Text","OK",["Vorgabetext",Stilkonstante(n)]

Stilkonstanten there many - according to Androidversion - z.B. 1 for "normaler Text" and "128" for "Passwort-Feld". Stilkonstanten are To add: 1+128 = normal Text as Passwortfeld. so there too date, E-Mail, Phone, NurZiffern, MultiLine etc... The Stilkonstanten Gibts here:  [...] 

The 5. Parameter (optional) expects a Zeiger (@) on a procedure, The then The Inputs or. Buttonwahl receiving.

example for a Input:
msg.box "Titel","Text","OK","VorgabeText",@myProc

proc myproc(btn,txt)

    print "Es watts Button "+st(btn)+" chosen and the inputted Text sounds: "+txt


one can on The myProc from "userdata" transfer, then is the 5. Parameter one aray How follows:
msg.box "Titel","Text","OK","VorgabeText",[@myProc,"spezialdaten"]

proc myproc(btn,txt,userdata)

    print "Es watts Button "+st(btn)+" chosen and the inputted Text sounds: "+txt+", übergebene userdata: "+userdata




Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Sascha Patzsch03/23/16


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