Functions and Help

function: msg.notify

msg.notify ( Text [, cover [, LED [, Options ] ] ] ] )

Created a Notifikation in the curtain, ggf. and optimal with: Icon, Headline, Nachrichtenzeile, of/ one further Nachrichtenzeile, of/ one rechtsbündige Zahlenanzeige.

Parameter 1: String or aray

with String: The Nachrichtentext
with aray: [Nachrichtentext, ZweiteZusatzZeile, ZusatzZahl]
becomes msg.notifikation called and only 1 Parameter indicated, then becomes the Text as cover displayed and a Nachrichtentext entfällt.

Parameter 2: The Notifikation get a cover the in a more type displayed becomes over the actual Nachrichtentext.

Parameter 3: LED-information(en): either one Long for colour (with function rgb To relating) - some Smartphones having a LED The with Notifikationen light (often "nur" with ausgeschaltetem display); or one aray [colour, anzeigedauerMillisekunden, ausblendedauerMillisekunden] circa festzulegen as LED glint should.

Parameter 4: Boolean or Optionsarray.

in the drop Boolean True or False whether The Notifikation "Unlöschbar" is by "entfernen"-Button or by "wegwischen". with True can The Notifikation not removes go in the Contrast To false.

in the drop aray: [unlöschbarBoolean, AppHervorholenBeiKlickBoolean, prioritätsLong]
is AppHervorholenBeiKlickBoolean false then happens at Click on The Notifikation garnichts, otherwise becomes The APP opened. prioritätsLong can -2, -1,0 (standard),1 or 2 his, according to the How "hoch" these Notifikation showing should over or under others Notifikationen.

Return Value is Long, a handle for Notifikation circa tappt im dunkeln Remove or update to.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Sven Bader07/05/21
Andre Rohland09/29/16


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