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| long = rgb ( r, g, b [, a ] )
supply whom Farbwert for colour ruddy,green,blue and optional alpha.
Info: a=alpha=Durchsichtigkeit: 0=unsichtbar, 255=sichtbar
cls rgb(0,0,0)// deletes actually screen Black
cls rgb(0,0,0,128)// deletes actually screen Black semi transparent
cls rgb(255,255,255,128)// deletes actually screen white transparent
Keywords: rgb,getavalue,getbvalue,getgvalue,getrvalue |
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| function umbenannt of rgba To rgb. of course can immernoch whom 4. Param Alpha/Transluzenz indicate but the a behind rgb is imho affig and the Funktionsbezeichung rgb kennen we Yes any. |
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| Änderung in the Prdgma for Alpha: a=alpha=Durchsichtigkeit: 0=undurchsichtig,255=vollständig transparent |
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| The function resolve too The functions getrvalue, getgvalue, getbvalue and getavalue ex:
function RGB benefit around the R, G, B or A-worth of/ one colour To detect:
The function rgb can't only uses to be a RGB[A]-worth To Generate separate too around the R,G,B or A-worth of/ one colour To detect.
For this, are The Parameter r,g,b with the worth zero (not 0!) To fill, außgenommen the Parameter, for one whom share zurückerhalten would like.
want one in example whom Rotanteil of/ one colour receive:
print rgb(col,zero,zero) //rgb(col) goes too
print rgb(zero,col,zero) //rgb(zero,col) goes too
print rgb(zero,zero,col)
print rgb(zero,zero,zero,col)
accordingly are The 4 functions getrvalue, getgvalue, getbvalue and getavalue unnecessary become and get removes. |
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