Functions and Help

function: st

{ ... } = st[.* ( ...

The Funktionsgruppe st bid functions for Use with Stringinhalten and Konvertierungen:

st: Long/ Float to String
st.chr: characters long as String, 65 = A
st.decode64: Base64-Dekodierung of string
st.del: removes characters from string
st.encode64: Base64-Kodierung of string
st.in that: String insert
st.len: length of string.
st.lower: Großbuchstaben in lower case
st.md5: MD5-amount of string
st.mid: Teilstring
st.ord: worth the first Zeichens in the string, A = 65
st.pos: position of Vorkommen detect
st.replace: Vorkommen supplant
st.sha1: SH1-amount of string
st.sha256: SH256-amount of string
st.shuffle: mix characters to chance
st.trim: Führende and abschließende space Remove
st.upper: lower case in Großbuchstaben

Keywords: st, base64, decode64, encode64,implode, in that, instr, lower, md5, mid, sh1, sh256, shuffle, strpos, translate, upper, serialize

string = st ( { long | float } )

Return Value: String-Repräsentation of long or float.

New: resolve function mid ex:

If 3 Parameter indicated:

gives a Teilstring back from string ex position long Pixel long amount characters.

New: resolve function translate ex if Parameter




its the generelle Trend To discern functions under one genus To vereinen and the specific effect over The Parameter To steer.

If I me under this premise The reference anschaue, see I now To many on... functions come.

Quote IF: "Was would if I a function Event bid The called becomes once one Ereigenis entering.
onbackpressed, onmenupressed, or simply onkey, onerror etc. could then in the function event worn go. or still onevent?"

then means in the Trend rather event or onevent (there be I completely relaxt) and first thing Parameter The manner the Ereignisses: menupressed, backpressed, error, touchstart, touchmove, ...

If I me but st now so in the virtually employment vorstelle, there then possible immmer again st( .....) and again st(----) etc. and it could the View source schwerer readable make as a follow of mid, translate, base64 ... ???

Yes, something like is too of my opinion to everything to that disadvantage the Leserlichkeit.

therefore have I me the so virtual, I to that a The Language so short fasse How tappt im dunkeln of my opinion to his can, must and ought to, and then can it a Inc give, The whom Sprachschatz z.B. again on a lesbarere Variante bring for the it would like.

therein is then z.B. something like How:

ums in xprofansche direction umzubiegen or or ...

Klaus Hoffmeister (16.01.15)
then means in the Trend rather event or onevent (there be I completely relaxt) and first thing Parameter The manner the Ereignisses: menupressed, backpressed, error, touchstart, touchmove, ...

see so did i so.

with the question whether event or onevent...

there one The function too benefit can circa Events To sack, appear me The Bezeichnung event sinnvoller, too because the "on" imply could, that it itself with the function mere circa a Receiver deal could.

Str has now additionally too yet The function the function in that$ or. insstr übernommen there itself in that$ erübrigt has because with same Parameters kanns too st manage:

"Ha-llo" = st("Hallo","-",3)

well then ists too the function strpos on whom collar gone, can also The function st without Einbuße take:




its already interestingly, that apparently any important Stringfunktionen a only function Done go can without that it any kuriosen Parameterdefinitionen give must.

iF (16.01.15)
Yes, something like is too of my opinion to everything to that disadvantage the Leserlichkeit.

iF (16.01.15)
therefore have I me the so virtual, I to that a The Language so short fasse How tappt im dunkeln of my opinion to his can, must and ought to, and then can it a Inc give, The whom Sprachschatz z.B. again on a lesbarere Variante bring for the it would like.

so would find I it perfect.
there one as Beginner rather first once a couple functions The say what tappt im dunkeln make and little Parameter having ausprobiert, ought to The include or header Variante Grundeinstellung his. one advanced kan one then zumuten soetwas How desable easymode To write or in the IDE a switch umzulegen.

though XProfan 11 Yes beautiful clear daherkommt, I had seinerzeit The long faces of my Pflichtkursler to eyes ersteinmal a ext.ph gebastelt circa Simple for Start yet plainer To make. the was sometimes yet heavy enough!!!

becomes hold a instruction about How:

include XProfan.util.aprf

who the command about in correctly. Pascal or C or Java or or strain wants can then z.B.

include pascal.util.aprf


include java.util.aprf

so fundamentally find I presumably but a mighty Language with little command first less "abschreckend" as a mighty Language with very many command.

naturally Better get going for low-down XProfan first a manner small Umstellung mean if it of XProfan ausgehend with AndroidProfan program would like but there are hold only few command To learn what about me faith the one there well reinkommen can.

what incidentally too went is well that I AndroidProfan for windows portiere. the position for me but unfortunately too whom names explicit infrage. Perhaps had I it thereafter rather something like How "multiprofan" name should. But alike because I can also later once, if I really pleasure having ought to for others OS To portieren, still explain "AndroidProfan" is a "MultiProfan" (or so...).

"... a mighty Language with little command..."
is for inside Logik/Sprachentwicklung sure better and the idea with "include XProfan.util.aprf, ...include java.util.aprf" find I in principle well. there's then but Dialekte of AndroidProfan and the Programmer understand itself among themselves so well like a truer Friese and a truer Bayer or must in "Hoch(german )androidprofan communicate.

to the functions position the structure for me presently so dar:
apiece "Sachverhalt" possible only a/little function/en and the Feingliederung with the Parameters:
aray, directory, event, file, message, print, rgb, string, time, var

the sleep could theoretical with time mitspielen? with directory/file there The diskutierten Überschneidungen.

with übergreifenden Things: len, del, long on Strings & Arrays utilize.

with the Bezeichnung print have I always a problem (Print Preview or expression). the printf (printformatted) in C is me but yet unsympatischer. Irgendwas How Text, outtext, display, displaytext, out or output ( Perhaps not only Text, not only on the display?) ... would I vorziehen.

the Sleep fit imho somehow not any more in time,
but presumably building I a function Thread for Threads and there
would it then against hineinpassen to the Motto Schlafesthread.

With the whom Dialekten ought to one Perhaps first to wait it out. Perhaps make so did i simply a list for XProfan-Beginner or. erweitere The "Hilfedatei" so one z.B. with Search of getdir$("@") then too chdir() finds.

With the Print is so a thing, is so etabliert How cls. Print find so did i not at all so "falsch" because It's all right Yes ums Print only hold in the drop on-screen (or How in XProfan in a File, on printer etc). Perhaps Better get going too yet extended, time look where it hinführt.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Klaus Müller04/29/16


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