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since april 2007 there of me on The Syntax of Profan² angelehnte small Sonderversion the Profan² namens jProfan. jProfan is no offizielles Profan² or XProfan bid but whom Entwicklern likewise a basicähnliche Programming-Language which programs in DOM-able Browsern How z.B. Firefox or internet-Explorer run out and accordingly betriebssystemunabhängig are.
this allows a extra this of me in JavaScript programmed virtual API namens jUI which functions to Bereitstellung of/ one grafischen surface bid on these jProfan aufbaut. the particular on jProfan is - next to the Betriebssystemunabhängigkeit - the eachone simply on the Website dank the in jProfan developed jProfan-IDE free jProfan-programs develop can and these each available to put can.
particularly for schools or Programmieranfänger is these Variante interestingly there fundamentally nothing installs go must and a leichterer Entry in höhere versions the Profan² or. XProfan given is. |
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