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 Michael W. | On Tabellensuche Grids, Datenbanktabellen,... there weg The Nachschlagewerke förmlich under.
receive we a Referenzseite for tables? (So one TableExists )
scheduler Anzeigemodus scheduler Abbildungsmodus (Kopiermodus) scheduler: Errorlevel scheduler: %Error scheduler: %IOResult scheduler: Zeichensatz (400180) scheduler: music-macro-Language scheduler: Ersatzzeichen scheduler: Fehlercodes with WinExec scheduler: MessageBox-Stile scheduler: Codes for SendString scheduler: XProfan-Icons scheduler: system-Icons scheduler: windows-versions scheduler: Errorlevel scheduler: %Error scheduler: %IOResult scheduler: Result of MessageBox scheduler: ListBox-shape scheduler: keyboard-Codes (Virtual-Key Codes) scheduler: internet Explorer-versions scheduler: RessourcenTypen antiquated functions and command
scheduler Anzeigemodus - 0 .. 9 (How the window showing should)
incl. ToFIX
scheduler Abbildungsmodus - -1 .. 4 (Verknüpfungen of fountain u target (graphic)) - erwähnt under Abbildungsmodus with: -- KAP 13.1 Bitmaps, - erwähnt under Kopiermodus with: -- ClipLoadBmp, CopyBmp, DrawPic, DrawSizedPic, MCopyBmp - NOT erwähnt with: (means no link) --x CopySizedBmp
with WinExec, WinExecWait - here becomes of Abbildungsmodus spoken, but on Anzeigemodus verzweigt - link correctly. -x Beschreibungsname FALSCH
course: graphic and Sound - erwähnt DrawPic, DrawSizedPic - in the Text: Abbildungsmodus (is without link), is the right scheduler - within DrawPic becomes then of Kopiermodus spoken and on scheduler Abbildungsmodus verzweigt -x right link, EVTL with the scheduler the word "Kopiermodus" complement
Create("HPIC" contains The Ressourcennamen - "&MEMBMP" - it'll a Bitmapkopie with the actually with MCLS or MLOADBMP begot Memory bitmap prepares. - "&OGLBMP" - it'll a Bitmapkopie the current OpenGL-Bildschirms prepares. - "&SCRBMP" - it'll a Bitmapkopie the current Mainwindow prepares. - "&DSKBMP" - it'll a Bitmapkopie the current Desktops prepares. - "&CLPBMP" - it'll a Bitmapkopie the actually Clipboard prepares, if these a Bitmap contains. - (...here hide which means...) -- under "Neue Bitmap-Befehle" and "Neue Bitmapfunktionen and Grafikformate" too in the Historie --x the ought to Perhaps something current aufgeführt go. who of course white, the it there such a thing gives but whom names not knows, seek mostly in vain.
KAP 13.3 Imagelisten -x integrally under is Create("Toolbar" not to a Link become, separate duchgestrichen. |
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