Opportunities and suggestions

Done: wish: IsClipFormat

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The function
handle& = @Create("HPIC",0,"&CLPBMP") is very helpful, circa Images from others Programs To take. If itself however in the actually Clipboard no Bitmap, separate anything other befindet, observe I the first, if I of these "angeblichen Bild" moreover works wants, z.B. with SavePic album$,handle&,... or DrawPic handle&,... etc. The Create-function shining yourself no abfragbare Fehlerbedingung To produce, therefore can I the trouble first by the Folgefehler eingrenzen or. intercepting. for a slim, übersichtliche Programming would it beautiful, if one whom success the supra named function live to its appeal to check on could - z.B. with of/ one special System-Variables.
Strategien im Vergleich:
Microsoft: der Computer macht mit Dir, was er will ...
XProfan: der Computer macht, was Du von ihm willst.

XProfan 11, Windows XP (1.5 GByte RAM), XProfEd

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with "0 x 0 pixels" meant I naturally erfolgloser, d.h. fehlerbehafteter Funktionsaufruf. too The Überprüfung the zurückgelieferten lever-number helps not further, the are any x-beliebigen numbers, The on no really definierten Objects in the main memory show - therefore lead tappt im dunkeln yes to whom erwähnten Folgefehlern.
Strategien im Vergleich:
Microsoft: der Computer macht mit Dir, was er will ...
XProfan: der Computer macht, was Du von ihm willst.

XProfan 11, Windows XP (1.5 GByte RAM), XProfEd

thanks, Christian, for your suggestions. I have me The Verweise short respected and feel, that it it so sure goes (and one yet plenty longer the Clipboard can make). but into details goes it with my bescheidenen Programmierkentnissen far over my horizon out
Strategien im Vergleich:
Microsoft: der Computer macht mit Dir, was er will ...
XProfan: der Computer macht, was Du von ihm willst.

XProfan 11, Windows XP (1.5 GByte RAM), XProfEd

Have something zusammengebastelt:
Def OpenClipboard(1) !"USER32","OpenClipboard"
Def CloseClipBoard(0) !"USER32","CloseClipboard"
Def GetClipboardData(1) !"user32.dll","GetClipboardData"

Proc ClipIsPic

    Declare Cboard_return&

    IF OpenClipBoard(GetActiveWindow()) <> 0 erfolgreich geöffnet?

        Cboard_return&=GetClipboardData(2) Parameter 2 = Bild erwartet | 1 wäre Text


    If Cboard_return& <> 0 Wert ungleich 0 = Wahr

        Return 1


        Return 0



Print ClipIsPic() 1 = Bild, 0 = Kein Bild

If the Clipboard one Image contains gives ClipIsPic 1, unless 0 back.
XProfan 11| Vista(64) SP2

Frabbing, Beitrag=55027, Zeitpunkt=19.11.2009
plainer is:
Def IsClipFormat(1) !"USER32","IsClipboardFormatAvailable"
Print IsClipFormat(1) Text
Print IsClipFormat(2) Bildre>

XProfan 11| Vista(64) SP2

terrific, Christian!
very the, I need and sooooo simply - hold known How ;)
Gemerkt/Separiert von http://xprofan.com/thread.core?t=7937
Def IsClipFormat(1) !"USER32","IsClipboardFormatAvailable"
declare h0&

if IsClipFormat(2)Bild

    hier weitermachen, z.B.
    drawpic h0&,0,0;0


    hier auf den Fehler hinweisen, z.B.
    print "no image in the clipboard - please try again ..."


Strategien im Vergleich:
Microsoft: der Computer macht mit Dir, was er will ...
XProfan: der Computer macht, was Du von ihm willst.

XProfan 11, Windows XP (1.5 GByte RAM), XProfEd

the would have imho for people yet plainer make can - serverside. ^^

inserts Member a http-URL with of/ one Bildadresse in that Posting-Input one ("Bildadresse kopieren" becomes of Browser likewise offered), then simply the image by (php) file_get_contents loading and on Server take off and the Bildadresse in entsprechendes <img wandeln.

but alike How, has everything his good.

Falk Fallenstein, Beitrag=55018, Zeitpunkt=18.11.2009
The function
handle& = @Create("HPIC",0,"&CLPBMP") is very helpful, circa Images from others Programs To take. ... The Create-function shining yourself no abfragbare Fehlerbedingung To produce


the Result the function (in the Erfolgsfall the lever the Bitmap) ought to in this drop 0 his and so intimate, that The Bitmap not created go could. Also ought to a warning aufpoppen, that The Bitmap not ladbar is.


Nachtrag: Arrghh ... I had objectively forget, whom Return Value To initialisieren. in the nächtsten Version functions it How planned.
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

... simply the image by (php) file_get_contents loading and on Server take off and the Bildadresse ... wandeln ...

Yes, sound simply, is it for me but not, because I know me with PHP unfortunately not from *schäm*

Also white I do not, whether the Server, from the the Original-Image comes, with a such grabbed the image too really hergibt (block external Bilderlinks, see my remark moreover supra). with the of me angestrebten Solution would already time ensured, that the image pub on the computer the Mitglieds present is and of there To my Server übetragen go can. as Admin point so did i over ands over again hereon there, a short Quellenangabe for extern loaded Images possible not To forget.

the Result the function (in the Erfolgsfall the lever the Bitmap) ought to in this drop 0 his ...

so have I it me too pictured and To allererst ausprobiert - with others create("HPIC" ...) functions functions it Yes.
Strategien im Vergleich:
Microsoft: der Computer macht mit Dir, was er will ...
XProfan: der Computer macht, was Du von ihm willst.

XProfan 11, Windows XP (1.5 GByte RAM), XProfEd

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The Solution with the request the Type the Clipboard to the Zugriffsversuch is naturally yet plenty eleganter, because so can I ggf. a Fehlersituation and the suitable Fehlerbehandlung avoid.

naturally observe I, I me with conscience windows-Interna (z.B. user32.dll !!!) more in detail befassen ought to. but here be I really one blutiger Beginner and as End-Sechziger make I me too no illusions, yet correctly. deeply into matter get in to. nevertheless: many cordial Thanks on David, Christian and Roland, that your you so quick and helpful circa my border gekümmert have.

for my small proposition must I yet The routines for FTP-Upload the Images write. The Vorversuche for walk very well.

Q: what found I well, as i Profan² to that first time gotten to know have?
A: Dass it with dBase III Files bypass could (find I still well).

Q: what has me moreover bewogen, me with the new versions of XProfan to befassen?
A: Dass it with the WWW-usual Bildformaten bypass can and
that it any important functions for FTP in simply nachvollziehbarer point supported.

Q: what would I me in the momentum otherwise yet wish?
A: Very beautiful would it, if The Algorithms for the "resizing" of Bitmaps something ausgefeilter wären. particularly with starker Verkleinerung great Images with really guter quality come into being very grobkörnige, "pixelige" copies (cue: Erzeugung of Thumbnails for Bildersammlungen).
Strategien im Vergleich:
Microsoft: der Computer macht mit Dir, was er will ...
XProfan: der Computer macht, was Du von ihm willst.

XProfan 11, Windows XP (1.5 GByte RAM), XProfEd

"Resizing" knows usually no "Qualität", but Resampling - could one sure GDIPlus for take or (z.B. too serverside) ImageQuick. (have but ldr. none code parat)

i'd me well a Own Resample-function write, if you interest have simply moreover again (vlt. in sep. Thread) report.

The quality the Resizing lying naturally on the Stretchmodus, must only whom right for HDC on... ~SetStretchBltMode(%hdc,~HALFTONE)

thanks, Frabbing, for this Info. now goes it for me ans potted. first Erläuterungen to that understanding found I here  [...]  How the now correctly. into XProfan-Program incorporate is, must I yet find out.

P.s. (on whom Moderator)
The compliance the actual Wunsches at the beginning this Threads (Bitmap Clipboard call for) has Roland with his response already in prospect set. so could IMHO this Thread too as Done count.
Strategien im Vergleich:
Microsoft: der Computer macht mit Dir, was er will ...
XProfan: der Computer macht, was Du von ihm willst.

XProfan 11, Windows XP (1.5 GByte RAM), XProfEd


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Falk Fallenstein04/08/19
Uwe Lang09/16/13
Jörg Sellmeyer11/04/11


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