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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi people!
really is the Einsendeschluß for next Version Yes past, but erfahrungsgemäß schiebt Roland Yes yet whom a or others Patch to. and if not, Please I, this already times for Version 13 vorzumerken:
It's all right me still around the Access to whom Parameterstack for Procedures (or the, what the function to for hold could). i'd me for a commands MoveParamsToXXX wish, analog to the others Move-command. The Parameter would thereby as Strings gehandhabt, where the 1. characters according PType$(n) whom type angibt.
sense and object : better Possibility, Parameter To process, its type not ahead feststeht; particularly if from the Proc out further Procedures called go, before The Parameter ausgewertet werden; thereby would the Stack Yes verlorengehen. (the went naturally too "By Hand", but one einzelner commands would plainer and especially faster)
comments moreover?
SeeYou Pascal |
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