Opportunities and suggestions | | | |  H.Brill | sometimes wealthy The 15 Parameter Yes not. see
from the Glu32.dll
If it technical machbar would, could evtl. one SET - commands, the The amount angibt or. from/einschaltet helpful his :
SET("DLLParameters", x%)
SET("DLLParameters", 0/1)
If oGL already the benefit the API anbietet, should too any functions useable his.
or white someone, How one obiger oGL-function yet differently The 19 Parameter commit ? |
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 08/01/23 ▲ |
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| |  Jens-Arne Reumschüssel | we've the Topic in detail in Paule's PC-Forum discusses - herausgekommen is that here. On these point can as much as you want Parameter for a Funktionsaufruf benefit. you'll Piece for Piece on the Stack gepusht and then becomes The function called, The these Parameter uses.
declare _params&[],_hGluDll&,_gluLookAtFuncAddr& declare eyeX!,eyeY!,eyeZ!,centerX!,centerY!,centerZ!,upX!,upY!,upZ!
ASM "LoopAndCall",3 'here becomes The Parameteranzahl with transfer and of/ one Loop worn out MOV ECX,Par1 // ECX=Count-tab for Loop with the amount Parameter in the aray loading, becomes each Loop circa 1 verringert (Parameter-number in the aray, The Parameter must backward on the Stack gepusht go [FILO]) // MOV EDX,Par2 // Offset the aray-Speichers in EDX loading - not necessary, EDX can we for something other aufsparen (z.B. for a Multiplikation) and instead simply Par2 using Loop: MOV EAX,ECX // actually Schleifenzählerstand (=Nummer the current Paramters in the aray) in EAX loading SUB EAX,1 // EAX=ECX-1 (memory-Offset in the aray is nullbasiert) ADD EAX,EAX // EAX=EAX+EAX --> in the Endeffekt =EAX*2 ADD EAX,EAX // EAX=EAX+EAX --> in the Endeffekt together with the row before it =EAX*4 (this is the Offset for Parameter in the aray-memory) // so went The Multiplikation too: // MOV EDX,4 // MUL EDX // multipliziert whom Content the EAX-Registers with the Content the EDX-Registers (4) and writes the Result in that EAX-tab back ADD EAX,Par2 //,EDX // Offset the aray-Speicherbereichs To EAX dazuaddieren MOV EBX,EAX // Speicheradresse in EBX write (really not necessary, but so is it klarer) MOV EAX,[EBX] // Parameter on the Speicheradresse in EAX loading - it went too MOV EAX,[EAX] (so would one EBX for something other aufsparen and could the row hiervor save) PUSH EAX // Parameter on the Stack pushen LOOP Loop // ECX circa 1 to diminish and zurückspringen, To 0 access is CALL Par3 // function Call ENDASM
cls _hGluDll&=@usedll("glu32.dll") _gluLookAtFuncAddr&=@external("kernel32.dll","GetProcAddress",_hGluDll&,"gluLookAt") 'address the aufzurufenden function detect _params&[1]=@long(@addr(eyeX!),0) _params&[2]=@long(@addr(eyeX!),4) _params&[3]=@long(@addr(eyeY!),0) _params&[4]=@long(@addr(eyeY!),4) _params&[5]=@long(@addr(eyeZ!),0) _params&[6]=@long(@addr(eyeZ!),4) _params&[7]=@long(@addr(centerX!),0) _params&[8]=@long(@addr(centerX!),4) _params&[9]=@long(@addr(centerY!),0) _params&[10]=@long(@addr(centerY!),4) _params&[11]=@long(@addr(centerZ!),0) _params&[12]=@long(@addr(centerZ!),4) _params&[13]=@long(@addr(upX!),0) _params&[14]=@long(@addr(upX!),4) _params&[15]=@long(@addr(upY!),0) _params&[16]=@long(@addr(upY!),4) _params&[17]=@long(@addr(upZ!),0) _params&[18]=@long(@addr(upZ!),4) print LoopAndCall(18,@addr(_params&[1]),_gluLookAtFuncAddr&) '1. Parameter: amount Parameter, 2. Parameter: address the Parameter-Arrays, 3. Parameter: Funktionsadresse waitinput freedll _hGluDll& end
Please verzeiht me whom Assembler-code, I have yet never (sic!) something Sinnvolles in Assembler zustandebekommen, though I it often attempts have. from this reason have I the so intense and presumably very amateurish comments. probably would someone, the itself so really auskennt, the eleganter make, but it functions.
best Regards, Jens-Arne |
| | | XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM PM: jreumsc@web.de | 08/04/23 ▲ |
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| |  Jens-Arne Reumschüssel | so, and can me now Please someone explain, as his can, that gluLookAt in glu32.dll nine *Float*-values as Parameter expects, The 64 bit wide are? eachone 32-bit-Compiler commit 32-bit-values as Parameter on the Stack. How should because something like without our mühsamen Workaround-Murks supra Please weg? the can I not at all realize.
See [...] 
Greeting, Jens-Arne |
| | | XProfan X4XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM PM: jreumsc@web.de | 08/04/23 ▲ |
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| |  Sven Bader | too here once more thanks for your crazy Assembler function!
in the OpenGL DLL is each function multiple include for 2, sometimes 5 Datentypen. the sees the so from:
glTranslatef() for 32 bit Float glTranslated() for 64 bit Float
The function corresponds to the XProfan ogl("move",x,y,z)
glu shining this Anatz not to follow and takes then in the doubt sooner time double, what naturally in the 3D-context not wrong is. |
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| |  Jens-Arne Reumschüssel | I have The ASM-Function for the different Calling-Conventions generalisiert, so so each erdenkliche 32-bit-DLL bedient go can. Also have I tappt im dunkeln in PushParamsAndCall umbenannt.
declare _params&[],_hGluDll&,_gluLookAtFuncAddr& declare eyeX!,eyeY!,eyeZ!,centerX!,centerY!,centerZ!,upX!,upY!,upZ!
def &stdcall 1 'Parameter absteigend on the Stack, function bereinigt whom Stack def &cdecl 2 'Parameter absteigend on the Stack, Aufrufer must whom Stack self bereinigen def &pascal 3 'Parameter ascending on the Stack, function bereinigt whom Stack
ASM "PushParamsAndCall",4 MOV ECX,Par1 'ECX=Count-tab for Loop with the amount Parameter in the aray loading, becomes each Loop circa 1 verringert (Parameter-number in the aray, The Parameter must, except with Pascal-Calling-Convention, backward on the Stack gepusht go [FILO]) MOV EDX,Par2 'Offset the aray-Speichers in EDX loading (is faster as the grabbed over the Parameter, which too went) MOV EAX,Par4 '1=stdcall, 2=cdecl, 3=Pascal CMP EAX,3 JZ PascalSchleife Loop: MOV EAX,ECX 'actually Schleifenzählerstand (=Nummer the current Paramters in the aray) in EAX loading DEC EAX 'EAX=ECX-1 (memory-Offset in the aray is nullbasiert); SUB EAX,1 went too ADD EAX,EAX 'EAX=EAX+EAX --> in the Endeffekt =EAX*2 ADD EAX,EAX 'EAX=EAX+EAX --> in the Endeffekt together with the row before it =EAX*4 (this is the Offset for Parameter in the aray-memory) ADD EAX,EDX 'Offset the aray-Speicherbereichs To EAX dazuaddieren MOV EAX,[EAX] 'Parameter on the Speicheradresse in EAX loading PUSH EAX 'Parameter on the Stack pushen LOOP Loop 'ECX circa 1 to diminish and zurückspringen, To 0 access is JMP CallFunction PascalSchleife: MOV EAX,Par1 SUB EAX,ECX 'Parameter in aufsteigender Order on the Stack lay (Pascal-Calling-Convention) ADD EAX,EAX 'EAX=EAX+EAX --> in the Endeffekt =EAX*2 ADD EAX,EAX 'EAX=EAX+EAX --> in the Endeffekt together with the row before it =EAX*4 (this is the Offset for Parameter in the aray-memory) ADD EAX,EDX 'Offset the aray-Speicherbereichs To EAX dazuaddieren MOV EAX,[EAX] 'Parameter on the Speicheradresse in EAX loading PUSH EAX 'Parameter on the Stack pushen LOOP PascalSchleife 'ECX circa 1 to diminish and zurückspringen, To 0 access is CallFunction: CALL Par3 'function aufrufen; ex here EAX not any more touch, there therein the Return Value standing (or EAX zwischenzeitlich secure) MOV EBX,Par4 'now Verify, whether cdecl, then must the Stack manually bereinigt go CMP EBX,2 JNZ end 'stdcall & Pascal: Stack watts already from the function bereinigt MOV EBX,Par1 ADD EBX,EBX ADD EBX,EBX ADD ESP,EBX 'Stack bereinigen (cdecl) end: 'Return-worth standing in EAX ENDASM
cls _hGluDll&=@usedll("glu32.dll") _gluLookAtFuncAddr&=@external("kernel32.dll","GetProcAddress",_hGluDll&,"gluLookAt") 'address the aufzurufenden function detect _params&[1]=@long(@addr(eyeX!),0) _params&[2]=@long(@addr(eyeX!),4) _params&[3]=@long(@addr(eyeY!),0) _params&[4]=@long(@addr(eyeY!),4) _params&[5]=@long(@addr(eyeZ!),0) _params&[6]=@long(@addr(eyeZ!),4) _params&[7]=@long(@addr(centerX!),0) _params&[8]=@long(@addr(centerX!),4) _params&[9]=@long(@addr(centerY!),0) _params&[10]=@long(@addr(centerY!),4) _params&[11]=@long(@addr(centerZ!),0) _params&[12]=@long(@addr(centerZ!),4) _params&[13]=@long(@addr(upX!),0) _params&[14]=@long(@addr(upX!),4) _params&[15]=@long(@addr(upY!),0) _params&[16]=@long(@addr(upY!),4) _params&[17]=@long(@addr(upZ!),0) _params&[18]=@long(@addr(upZ!),4) print PushParamsAndCall(18,@addr(_params&[1]),_gluLookAtFuncAddr&,&stdcall) '1. Parameter: amount Parameter, 2. Parameter: address the Parameter-Arrays, 3. Parameter: Funktionsadresse, 4. Parameter: Calling-Convention waitinput freedll _hGluDll& end
| | | XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM PM: jreumsc@web.de | 08/05/23 ▲ |
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| |  Jens-Arne Reumschüssel | ...and here The Assembler-function for XProfan To X3 (means without Inline-Assembler):
declare _cPushParamsAndCall#,_a%,_b% dim _cPushParamsAndCall#,75 'To XProfan 9: must on long aligned his, ggf. end with nobodies top up (here's not aligned, becomes under erledigt; to XProfan 10 on 76 dimensionieren and a further $00 append) 'Opcodes in area write: long _cPushParamsAndCall#,0=$5589E58B,$4D088B55,$0C8B4514,$83F80374,$1089C848,$01C001C0,$01D08B00,$50E2F2EB,$108B4508,$29C801C0,$01C001D0,$8B0050E2,$F0FF5510,$8B5D1483,$FB027509,$8B5D0801,$DB01DB01,$DC89EC5D byte _cPushParamsAndCall#,72=$C2,$10,$00 'on long alignen (goes first ex XProfan 10, because it before no "re"dim given): if ((@sizeof(_cPushParamsAndCall#)) mod 4)<>0 dim _cPushParamsAndCall#,@sizeof(_cPushParamsAndCall#)+(4-((@sizeof(_cPushParamsAndCall#)) mod 4)) endif 'Bytes in each long turnabout: whileloop 0,@sizeof(_cPushParamsAndCall#)-4,4 _a%=@long(_cPushParamsAndCall#,&loop) whileloop 0,3 byte @addr(_b%),&loop=@byte(@addr(_a%),3-&loop) endwhile long _cPushParamsAndCall#,&Loop=_b% endwhile '... '... here Parameterarray fill etc. '... print @call(_cPushParamsAndCall#,18,@addr(_params&[1]),_gluLookAtFuncAddr&,&stdcall) '1. Parameter: amount Parameter, 2. Parameter: address the Parameter-Arrays, 3. Parameter: Funktionsadresse, 4. Parameter: Calling-Convention dispose _cPushParamsAndCall#
| | | XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM PM: jreumsc@web.de | 10/07/23 ▲ |
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| |  Jens-Arne Reumschüssel | and, because it so beautiful is, the whole again for JRPC3 with FreeBasic, because one itself so the otherwise each appeal of gluLookAt notwendige manuelle settle the Parameter-Arrays with a macro of neck create can and the whole ditto without whom XProfan-Inline-Assembler functions (means for versions to X4) - fully funktionsfähiges example:
declare _params&[],_hGluDll&,_gluLookAtFuncAddr&,_retval& declare eyeX!,eyeY!,eyeZ!,centerX!,centerY!,centerZ!,upX!,upY!,upZ!
def &stdcall 1 'Parameter absteigend on the Stack, function bereinigt whom Stack def &cdecl 2 'Parameter absteigend on the Stack, Aufrufer must whom Stack self bereinigen def &pascal 3 'Parameter ascending on the Stack, function bereinigt whom Stack
fbPROC PushParamsAndCall(byval AnzParams as long,byval pArray as long,byval pFunc as long,byval CallingConv as long) as integer export dim as ulong ReturnValue ASM MOV ECX,[AnzParams] 'ECX=Count-tab for Loop with the amount Parameter in the aray loading, becomes each Loop circa 1 verringert (Parameter-number in the aray, The Parameter must, except with Pascal-Calling-Convention, backward on the Stack gepusht go [FILO]) MOV EDX,[pArray] 'Offset the aray-Speichers in EDX loading (is faster as the grabbed over the Parameter, which too went) MOV EAX,[CallingConv] '1=stdcall, 2=cdecl, 3=Pascal CMP EAX,3 JZ PascalSchleife Loop: MOV EAX,ECX 'actually Schleifenzählerstand (=Nummer the current Paramters in the aray) in EAX loading DEC EAX 'EAX=ECX-1 (memory-Offset in the aray is nullbasiert); SUB EAX,1 went too ADD EAX,EAX 'EAX=EAX+EAX --> in the Endeffekt =EAX*2 ADD EAX,EAX 'EAX=EAX+EAX --> in the Endeffekt together with the row before it =EAX*4 (this is the Offset for Parameter in the aray-memory) ADD EAX,EDX 'Offset the aray-Speicherbereichs To EAX dazuaddieren MOV EAX,[EAX] 'Parameter on the Speicheradresse in EAX loading PUSH EAX 'Parameter on the Stack pushen LOOP Loop 'ECX circa 1 to diminish and zurückspringen, To 0 access is JMP CallFunction PascalSchleife: MOV EAX,[AnzParams] SUB EAX,ECX 'Parameter in aufsteigender Order on the Stack lay (Pascal-Calling-Convention) ADD EAX,EAX 'EAX=EAX+EAX --> in the Endeffekt =EAX*2 ADD EAX,EAX 'EAX=EAX+EAX --> in the Endeffekt together with the row before it =EAX*4 (this is the Offset for Parameter in the aray-memory) ADD EAX,EDX 'Offset the aray-Speicherbereichs To EAX dazuaddieren MOV EAX,[EAX] 'Parameter on the Speicheradresse in EAX loading PUSH EAX 'Parameter on the Stack pushen LOOP PascalSchleife 'ECX circa 1 to diminish and zurückspringen, To 0 access is CallFunction: CALL [pFunc] 'function aufrufen; ex here EAX not any more touch, there therein the Return Value standing (or EAX zwischenzeitlich secure) MOV EBX,[CallingConv] 'now Verify, whether cdecl, then must the Stack manually bereinigt go CMP EBX,2 JNZ end 'stdcall & Pascal: Stack watts already from the function bereinigt MOV EBX,[AnzParams] ADD EBX,EBX ADD EBX,EBX ADD ESP,EBX 'Stack bereinigen (cdecl) end: MOV [ReturnValue],EAX 'Return Value the aufgerufenen from EAX settle ("MOV [Function],EAX" not working, because JRPC3 automatically one "return 0" end the fbPROC complement, if no return-worth indicated is, circa a suitable Compilerwarnung To avoid) END ASM return ReturnValue ENDPROC 'PushParamsAndCall
MACRO mcrGluLookAt(#p1#,#p2#,#p3#,#p4#,#p5#,#p6#,#p7#,#p8#,#p9#) _params&[1]=@long(@addr(#p1#),0) _params&[2]=@long(@addr(#p1#),4) _params&[3]=@long(@addr(#p2#),0) _params&[4]=@long(@addr(#p2#),4) _params&[5]=@long(@addr(#p3#),0) _params&[6]=@long(@addr(#p3#),4) _params&[7]=@long(@addr(#p4#),0) _params&[8]=@long(@addr(#p4#),4) _params&[9]=@long(@addr(#p5#),0) _params&[10]=@long(@addr(#p5#),4) _params&[11]=@long(@addr(#p6#),0) _params&[12]=@long(@addr(#p6#),4) _params&[13]=@long(@addr(#p7#),0) _params&[14]=@long(@addr(#p7#),4) _params&[15]=@long(@addr(#p8#),0) _params&[16]=@long(@addr(#p8#),4) _params&[17]=@long(@addr(#p9#),0) _params&[18]=@long(@addr(#p9#),4) _retval&=@PushParamsAndCall(18,@addr(_params&[1]),_gluLookAtFuncAddr&,&stdcall) '1. Parameter: amount Parameter, 2. Parameter: address the Parameter-Arrays, 3. Parameter: Funktionsadresse, 4. Parameter: Calling-Convention ENDMACRO 'mcrGluLookAt
cls _hGluDll&=@usedll("glu32.dll") _gluLookAtFuncAddr&=@external("kernel32.dll","GetProcAddress",_hGluDll&,"gluLookAt") 'address the aufzurufenden function detect mcrGluLookAt(eyeX!,eyeY!,eyeZ!,centerX!,centerY!,centerZ!,upX!,upY!,upZ!) print _retval& waitinput freedll _hGluDll& end
| | | XProfan X4XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM PM: jreumsc@web.de | 10/07/23 ▲ |
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