1) with the usage of TraceOn/Off becomes Yes really each To verarbeitende row angezeigt; with Programs, in them often Procs or SubProcs - quasi as Befehlserweiterung - uses go, is Tracing and Debugging so extreme unpraktisch, because one itself stupid and dämlich clicking must. rather would, if one TraceOn/Off zeitweise moreover bring could, Prozeduraufrufe as a row view (z.B over a "Set"-instruction).
2) an thing, The me already long disturbing: as Parameter with $D can no System-Variables or Komponenten of/ one structure (a#.x&) anzeigen; The must always first in a normal Variable transfer go. Perhaps ließe itself there what make?
sure for wish not relevant, but I erwische me really only still in the process with OutputDebugString("meineAusgabe") Debugausgaben To effect and DebugView [...] view.