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| i wish me the one The XYProportionalität determine can - there one otherwise for z.B. VollbildSpiele always a Auflösungsänderung manage should circa a möglicherweise fehlende Proportionalität produce.
The problem is sure not slight verständlich - or. to my o.G. wish even unverständlich - nevertheless but gravierend.
its z.B. you don't say so whom OGL-output unproportional To skalieren, what Folgeprobleme with itself zieht if one complicated Umrechnungen inside the APP (z.B. from Performancegründen) bypass would like.
Designd one in example one output which with 1024x768 Pixel exakt whom screen filling, then come into being with z.B. 1280x768 hässliche Borders. One brauchbarer Workaround has not produce let without The Number of Folgeprobleme into Höhe speedy To let.
in this Context has it itself too as less helpful herausgestellt the not possible is the Output a part one Handles To limit.
The wish would instead of only ogl(init,parent,r,g,b,modi) one ogl(init,parent,r,g,b,modi,x,y,xx,yy,propOrNotPropBool) |
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