Opportunities and suggestions

wish: Optional einheitliches Parametertrennzeichen

i wish me the next to whom Sonder-Separator for Parameter, How z.B. >, - and ; it possible is, simply the comma To use.

objectively is it so, I Abstürze in Programs verzeichnete because I z.B. saveBmp blub$=0,0 - 20,20 wrote instead of saveBmp blub$,0,0 - 20,20 - simply because it me (since years) not so right gelingen likes The unterschiedlichen Schreibweisen always correctly in the head To keep.

this is imho one truer Stumbling block which (against imho) integrally and not at all a simple Erlernbarkeit the Language backing. (sooner the ständige rever to the hlp whether now = , - or > To use is)

sure becomes it for Roland no Klacks his if The Argumente not mulish a Page to others Page aufgelöst go - separate if before Parameterpaare separated go.

nevertheless must I the wish integrally simply geäußert having with the Please, the Roland itself dahingehend äußert whether it it from its visibility too gladly vereinheitlicht had. unless, then would I try in the xpse a Solution to find, which it allows, the comma as ausschließliches Parameter/Argumente-Separator To use. (what to kürzeren Überlegungen possible appear)

example for both ought to possible his:
copyBmp 0,0 - 20,20 > 30,30;0

copyBmp 0,0,20,20,30,30,0

One More-as-super Kompromiss would it if one
write could I anyhow The opinion vertrete the it command instead of functions in the actual sense - and from the spelling since - not give ought to. ;)

the schließe I on. this is me already often noticed, I wolltes only never say, because I do not white wieso the so is.
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

The question to the Why is here of course not vordergründig, nevertheless venture I To insist thats Syntaxverschlimmung a manner Laziness out arose The Argumente plainer/fixer parsen or. zoned work out to.


nevertheless venture I To insist thats Syntaxverschlimmung a manner Laziness out arose The Argumente plainer/fixer parsen or. zoned work out to.

certainly even
iFs border is too in my eyes always one Ärgerniss been, therefore be I very for the comma as alleiniges Separator. comma to Parametertrennung, Semikolon only to Befehlstrennung!

Frank Abbing

Frank Abbing
nevertheless venture I To insist thats Syntaxverschlimmung a manner Laziness out arose The Argumente plainer/fixer parsen or. zoned work out to.

certainly even

for sure not! ;) here brill Frank and iF vast!

fact is, that it too for me in the Parser explicit plainer would. were it only the comma as Parametertrennzeichen. The question, Why it then several Separator gives, lying in the story of XProfan begründet:
an the both windows-Batchsprachen, The then Ideengeber for the first Profan were, having very these Systax: Window x,y - dx,dy and copy file1 > file2. there me these Syntax pleased, because straight with many Parameters The Program lines through these Gruppierung so explicit lesbarer (and sprechender) were, as only The Aneinanderreihung the Paramer through Kommas, have I the then in Profan installed. me went it around the einfachere Lesbarkeit for Programmer.
objectively parse I The Parameter of left to right and it would sure plainer (and presumably something faster), if it only one mögliches Parameter-Separator were.
inverse would it explicit komplizierter (and presumably therefore too slower), if I now in some Make on several possible Parameter-Separator at Parsen Verify should.

I had me though already undertaken, this issue time to do, but this is nothing, what during of/ one Subscriptionsphase schultern can, separate one derartiger invasion, whom one only Vorfeld of/ one new Version concern can, if one yet infinite plenty Time has. The Ermöglichung, auschließlich Kommas To using, could a Idea for XProfan 12 his.
(in the doing I had z.B. the first Experimente for a grenzenloses XProfan already made, before Version 10 into deal coming, Yes even before Version 10 ready was.)

alas Yes: What the distinction between command and functions concerns: there Profan of Anbeginn a BASIC-dialect was, is the so of BASIC übernommen been.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

super, the can hoping.

means because of the really high probability one Missverständnisses at interpret would I at least for, the less as Parameter-Separator abzuschaffen. with whom others (= ; > ) can I The Ansichten beider pages understand...

PS: i'm however for, furthermore between command and functions too in the spelling To unterscheiden; not only, because me personally the at write simply angenehmer is, separate too because it in XProfan now once simply functions and command gives, The similar or same are. Long and Word are there probably the best Examples, but just as Char or. Char$(), AddStrings and erheiternderweise still MessageBox. (the the commands MessageBox still not abgeschafft watts... (
Nico Madysa

Nico Madysa
(the the commands MessageBox still not abgeschafft watts... (

still, the watts already longer abgeschafft and diving too in the Help not any more on. he'll too in XProfed yellow eingefärbt, what in XProfan just as plenty means How in Java The warning Deprecated (or so similar).

but for unverbesserliche Programmer with predilection for old Zöpfe GetControlParas (B the integrierte Precompiler whom commands into korrekte Function to. (just as, How it a CreateWindow(...) one Create(Window,...) power or a NumWidth n% one Set(NumWidth, n%) and even a Wend one EndWhile.)

the - as Parameter has me already often angered, but the abolition would moreover lead, that a great many old Source code not More compilieren read, there z.B. the Window-commands almost in all Programs vorkommt.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

well true, but it would too no large trouble, in its Source to Window to search and then The Änderung quick vorzunehmen. or exists possible even The Possibility, whom Präcompiler the - automatically in , transfiguring To let? the would probably the best Solution!
Nico Madysa


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