Opportunities and suggestions

yet More Opportunities...


Hello people!
I catch time NEN new Thread on...

I had there namely too yet a wish, the The usage of Header-Files concerns...
to explanation here the IST-status:

adopted, I have two Header Test1.ph and Test2.ph
In both is a Constant demonstration definiert; in the first ph becomes your the worth 123 zugeordnet, in the second the worth 789.
now lead I this from:
 $H Test1.ph
print ~Demo
 $H Test2.ph
print ~Demo<

it'll in both Make 123 displayed.

Folgerung: Profan begins at the beginning the Quelltextes with the Search to the $H-Direktive and search then The found Header.
becomes The Constant found, is the Search exits.
becomes To to position the demand the Constant in the View source no ph-File found, in the The Constant definiert is, there a Error Message.
(@ RGH: is the so far correctly?)

my wish would now, The direction, in the The PHs sought go, somehow turn round to, means of appear the Tilde (~) up until Beginn the Quelltextes.
then could is a Constant number of times definieren; which Definition validly is, hinge of it ex, which Header-File lastly eingebunden watts. (it speaks Yes nothing against it, a PH number of times einzubinden)

I work often with COM-Interfaces. its functions (modes) can under Profan only over your Position in of/ one Funktionstabelle called go. around the thing übersichtlicher To make, hinterlege I these positions in PH-Files and point tappt im dunkeln whom names the modes To, about so:
IID_IShellFolder  ="{000214E6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}";
ParseDisplayName =03;
EnumObjects      =04;
BindToObject     =05;
BindToStorage    =06;
CompareIDs       =07;
CreateViewObject =08;
GetAttributesOf  =09;
GetUIObjectOf    =10;
GetDisplayNameOf =11;
SetNameOf        =pan>;

with usage more Interfaces/Header comes it zwangsläufig To Überschneidungen with whom names. In individual cases can the manually correct, but with komplexeren Projekten has the its border. to manipulation of HTML there z.B. over 100 Interfaces...
too the join of interface- and Methodenname is no good Lösung; thereby come into being terms How IHTMLElement_insertAdjacentHTML or IHTMLEmbedElement_get_pluginspage
(there type one itself stupid and dämlich).

I knows, that these COM-stories not very common are, but since Profan com & OLE yet not at all supported, would a little bit indirekte Support integrally beautiful...

Perhaps has but too someone another idea, How to the solve could?


I see, You want quasi in a Slip The Befehlssätze change Yes? hmmm.

only Konstanten or functions?

Something like here Perhaps?

No, it would like whom interface-modes only a index in shape of/ one Constant zuordnen. there The names into different Interfaces itself öfters repeat, constant new names invent with difficulty is, would like it means after a or several Interfaces a new .PH File insert around the index anzupassen. because, even if The names often same are, so is But not The Order into different Interfaces.

helps there not the Workaroud, the new Headerdatei integrally to supra To settle???

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Hello people!

i want simply, that here
 $H Test1.ph
Print ~Demo
 $H Test2.ph
Print ~Demo
 $H Test1.ph
Print ~Dem

at first Print the worth of demonstration from the Test1. ph uses becomes, at second the worth from the Test2.ph and at third again the from Test1.ph
so wären multiple-Definitionen of/ one Konstanten possible and useable.
can indeed yet for others opportunities useable his...


means first of all once to engineering, How XProfan with Header-Files bypassing:

Header-Files are - How about in C - pure Übersetzungsdateien: The Text the to the Gleichheitszeichen standing (I name it symbol) becomes by the Text between Gleichheitszeichen and Semikolon supplant. The Text between Gleichheitszeichen and Semikolon can though self again one ~ eingeleitete Symbols include, The To translate are. More happens not. (and so can itself a whole crowd make.)

XProfan reads any Header-Files during the Einlesens the Quelltextes and power from it a long String, the about so aufgebaut is:
meets XProfan during the Einlesens the Codes now on one ~ becomes the darauffolgende symbol red and the String ;symbol= in the Headerdatei with the function pos (corresponds to the XProfan-function instr ) sought and supplant. If Interpreter and Compiler your eigentliche work take in, any Symbols already supplant.

there all this during the Einlesens the Quelltextes (sowohl in Interpreter as well as Compiler) happens, müß The Headerdatei to the first appear the Symbols in the View source red go. and since the Delphi-function Pos of Stringanfang on seek, find I with doppeltem Vorkommen always only the first Vorkommen.

I could naturally time look, whether I The Suchrichtung Change can ...

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

too a Änderung the Suchrichtung becomes there nothing bring.

so How Pascal the wants would have the unending-Header-Suchstring jedesmal umgeschaltet go, if a Headerdatei recognized becomes (if not jedesmal new be read should).

These comfort becomes the Compiliergeschwindigkeit but To create make.

If ~Demo time these and times those Constant take in should, then is it simply no Constant More.

then definiert one itself the as Variable and uses instead of Test1.ph and Test2.ph even a InitProc1 and a InitProc2, The The variables with the right Values valet.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
(the itself shake if it on it think, itself through such a code fight To must. The Seiteneffekte of C let greet.)
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

[quote:a2ce474376=Uwe Pascal Niemeier]with usage more Interfaces/Header comes it zwangsläufig To Überschneidungen with whom names. In individual cases can the manually correct, but with komplexeren Projekten has the its border. to manipulation of HTML there z.B. over 100 Interfaces...
too the join of interface- and Methodenname is no good Lösung; thereby come into being terms How IHTMLElement_insertAdjacentHTML or IHTMLEmbedElement_get_pluginspage
(there type one itself stupid and dämlich).

I knows, that these COM-stories not very common are, but since Profan com & OLE yet not at all supported, would a little bit indirekte Support integrally beautiful...

Perhaps has but too someone another idea, How to the solve could?
Hello Pascal,
how'bout, if you for each COM-interface a structure or. class definierst? so resolve it z.B. Delphi. And if then in several Structures or. classes same properties/modes vorkomnmen, is the no trouble More.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Hello Roland,

have seldom Opportunities, but if, then ausgefallene.

could you Perhaps yet whom LOC commands from others Basicversionen in reference on The RS232 interface take.

LOC: gives The position the last byte with one read or Schreibzugriff on The RS232 back.

my Workaround is timewise to that react the Steuergeschehen too slow.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

Hello people!

Nochmal what about Header & COM

After Rolands explanation is my ursprünglicher suggestion naturally of table, but...

The benefit of Headern is Yes, that they in the Program eingendlich not come along, separate only as fountain for a Search & Replace-action serve.
one can means so many and so grosse PHs integrate, How one wants.

with whom suggested Workarounds of Michael (normal variables instead of Konstanten) and Roland (com-modes as Profan-Objekt-modes) would the differently.
still there hundreds (thousands of?) of Interfaces, of them etliche against over 100 modes having. there läppert itself integrally beautiful what together.
and so my I do not The nötige Schreibarbeit; that liese itself a Parser achieve (as fountain use I Auszüge from Visual-C-Headern). but i want avoid, hundreds of variables or modes einzubinden, if I Perhaps only a or two of it really need.
on the other hand should but any modes available stand, so one itself the eigendliche Program concentrate can and not dauernd something nachdefinieren/complement/take after must.

means here again one something abgewandelter wish moreover:

it ought to possible his, To to determine, where The values for defined Konstanten gotten go.
an Possibility wären a new Direktive (name we tappt im dunkeln time $X) and a new prefix, z.B. the strain-characters °.
becomes during the process/Compilation (not beforehand, How normal!) one
$X File.ph found, seek Profan any subesquent with ° marked Virtually-Konstanten exclusiv in the angegebenen PH, where each further $X whom before eingebundenen Header überschreibt/supplant (it'll means always The lastly eingebundene PH uses)

BTW: this is IMHO no question the comfort, separate a expansion the Opportunities and sinnvoller as selbstentwickelte Insellösungen, The of
Aussenstehenden hardly nachvollzogen go can.

is though fraglich, whether the of hoisted tragbar and technical überhaut machbar is...
Perhaps for XProfan 11 or 12...


Ähhm, I find strain The Thread with Wish for XProfan 10 not, means poste I the quick time here.

I Have me in last Time time into function stature$() reingefitzt and fixes, that they very useful is. only is me one thereby noticed: The Dezimalpunkte go always as Kommata Translated, so I another Translate$() install must, circa a with stature$() formatierten Floatwert again into Float zurückzukonvertieren. exists Perhaps The Possibility, what incorporate, so one The number too with Dezimalpunkt instead of only with Dezimalkomma transfiguring can???

Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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