
weight altgriechischer and lateinischer Vorsilben and -words



Fachsprache, The Otto average consumer outer to can, is popular in science, Medizin and engineering. so some rätselt, what z.B. one Heptogramm is. but now not any more!
1 [prôtos]  only : log, Proton, Prototyp, Protein
1 [haplos]  single-: Haploide Teilung
1 [mono-]   One- : Monochrom, monogamy, Monogramm, Monotheismus
1 [heyîs, mía, hen] only
2 [deúteros]between-: explanation, Deuteronum
2 [dís]     Zwie-  : Disput
2 [diplóos] Zwiefältig: Diploide Teilung
2 [deuteros]Zweifach: Deuterium, Deuteron,
2 [Di-]  two : Diode, Distickstoffmonoxid
2 [Duos] Zweier: Dual, Duo
3 [treîs][tría][trítos][trís],
3 [tri-][tria-] three- : Triptychon, Triangel, Trichlormethan, Trilogie, Trillion, Trigonometrie
4 [téttara] Vierer : Tesserakt
4 [tetra-] four- : Tetraeder, Tetrapack, Tetrachlorkohlenstoff
5 [pént-] fifth : Pentium
5 [penta-] five : Pentachlorphenol, Pentagon, Pentagramm, Pentameter, Pentan
6 [hex][héktos][hexa-] : Hexadezimal, Hexaeder, Hexagon, Hexagramm, Hexameter, Hexan
7 [hept	],[hepta-]: Heptagramm, Heptan, franz.: hebdomadaire = weekly (7 days)
8 [okto][ógdoos][okt	kis][okta-]: Oktaeder, octane, Oktogon, Oktopus, Oktopode
9 [ennéa][énatos][ennea-]: Enneagramm, Ennealogie, Enneacanthus
10 [déka][deka-]: Dekagramm, Dekade, Dekalog, Dekan, Dekameron
11 [hendeka-]: Hendekasyllabus, Hendekan
12 [dodeka-]: Dodekaeder, Dodekanes, Dodekaphonie
13 [triskaideka-]: Triskaidekaphobie
14 [tetrakaideka-]: Tetradekasilan
15 [pentakaideka-]: Pentadekan
16 [hektakaideka-][Hexa-]: Hexadezimalsystem
17 [heptakaideka-]
18 [oktokaideka-]
19 [enneakaideka-]
20 [eikosa-]: Ikosaeder
30 [triakostós][triakont	kis][triakonta-]: Triakontan, Rhombentriakontaeder
40 [tettarakonta-]
50 [pentekonta-]: Pentekontaetie, Pentecost (griech."der fünfzigste Tag")
60 [hexekonta-]
70 [hebdomekonta-]
80 [ogdoekonta-]
90 [enenekonta-]
100 [hekatón][hekaton(to)-]: Hekatombe, Hektar, Hektoliter, Hektographieren
200 [diakosa-]
300 [triakosa-]
400 [tetrakosa-]
500 [pentakosa-]
600 [hexakosa-]
700 [heptakosa-]
800 [oktakosa-]
900 [enakosa-]
1000 [chilio-]: Chiliasmus, Chiliarch, Kilo, kilometres
2000 [dischilio-]
10.000 [myrio-]: Myriade, Myriapoda
20.000 [dismyrio-]
... etc.

the whole Gibts on latin:
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

Zum Experiment

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier06/13/21


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