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![GDL: 01/22/12](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Adressenbereich : Ausgabemodule of 1 To 32000 Eingabemodule ex 32000 To 65000 Motormodule urged on occupy The Adressen 1 To 10 Lenkmodule occupy The Adressen 11 To 20 Kranmodule occupy The Adressen 21 To 30
eachone motor has a address. free Adressen are Ergänzungspuffer.
any Motoren are 1/2 Schrittmotoren and using selbiges Ansteuerkonzept.
Datenaufbereitung :
bit 6 and bit7 lay command solid bit 0 To bit5 imply The data
X=beliebiger status
00000000 = Unerlaubter Ladezustand 01000000 = Vorwärtslauf 01000001 = Rückwärtslauf 10XXXXXX = loading The Schrittanzahl into Atmel (0 To 63) regelt then The Drehweite 11XXXXXX = to Frequenzbestimmung in the Atmel (0 To 63) regelt then The Geschw.
example : One data%=10000111 bereitet whom dazugehörigen motor on 8 steps to.
any variables are global and keep The values To to Neubestückung in this example. complete example for motor 1:
Proc spending fehlerbyte%=2 fehlerbyte%=xor(fehlerbyte%,1) fehlerbyte%=xor(fehlerbyte%,adrlang%) fehlerbyte%=xor(fehlerbyte%,adrlow%) fehlerbyte%=xor(fehlerbyte%,speedhilfe%) fehlerbyte%=xor(fehlerbyte%,0) data$=chr$(254)+chr$(2)+chr$(1)+chr$(adrlang%)+chr$(adrlow%)+chr$(speedhilfe%)+chr$(0)+chr$(fehlerbyte%)+chr$(255)+chr$(255) data$=chr$(100)+chr$(100)+chr$(100)+data$
' here then data$ with COMX spend endproc
adrlang%=00000000 adrlow%=00000001 data%=01000000 'Vorwärtslauf spending 'zugehörige Ausgaberoutine Call data%=11000101 ' places Drehgeschwindigkeit 5 solid spending data%=10000111 ' motor 1 power now 8 steps (of 0 To 7 Impulse on the Toggleausgang of Atmel) spending
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![GDL: 01/25/12](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hi David,
überleg you Please wieviele simple One/from functions You need.
Have already finished Modellbahnmodule with 8 separated schaltbaren One/from 12V 3A(Gesamtstrom) in pursued. Stärkere need then only NEN others Spannungsversorgungsteil. |
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![iF: 01/25/12](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | at least 32 and presumably not more than 48. |
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![GDL: 01/28/12](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | OK. then custom I for my Befehlsliste The names the functions. Einfache Benennungen How, spotlight,Rückleuchten,Blinker etc.
If longer of me nothing comes, no alarmism, i'm meanwhile over the first Platine. |
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![iF: 01/28/12](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | i'd crept numerisch name and yet no names allocate too because I yet not for all "Ports" a usage white.
On each drop are under mind. 8 Motoren; mind. 8 cameras and mind. 8 Bauteile them the power abgedreht go can ought to. |
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![GDL: 02/01/12](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | |
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![GDL: 04/14/12](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | |
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![GDL: 06/13/13](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Sonderadressen :
Sonderadressen for urged on: z. B.: address long: = 160 and Adressen short: =10 or 11 any 4 Decoder go so program, that they with obiger address independent yours own address, then at the same time react.
the speed The Datenübermittlung with equal Dateninhalt for all Antriebsmotore around the 4fache. and the Beauty, I need on whom recent Decodern only The software Change. nothing umlöten. it life The Mikrofurze. Grins. |
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