The PC-Connection serves moreover, The data of PC into DCC log umzuwandeln and at the same time Rückmeldedateien from the Modulen on whom PC To transfer. data : Spannungsversorgung : +12V/-12V and volume Ausgangssignal : +-11V DCC signal Baudrate to that PC : 9600 Baudrate To whom Sensormodulen : 9600
here come later The final Unterlagen mere.
Prototyp 01
here are 2 Platinen on of/ one Euro-ticket.
The Prototyp runs with 14V~ circa a small Testaufbau to have. with the final Platine remaining The 2lane Gleichrichtung then unbestückt.
After Softwareentwicklung/Umschreibungen in the Assemblerbereich and Testlauf from the einfachen PC-Connection comes then the Prototyp of endgültigem Moonbuggy-Herzstück to that employment.