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02.11.2015: The Infinity-Profan-App
- The in the App-net curtain lying ( [...] ) -
is now self with Infinity-Profan program.
functions now too as Receiver, what The APP-development very vereinfacht. |
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01.11.2015: first Beta-Version published
The function Gui is in this first Beta yet ausgeklammert, too the Receiver (directly on unit perform) can first now manufactured go there the Yes likewise with iP program go should.
what functions ought to:
in the IDE [...] arbitrary projects lay out + kompilieren + apk. |
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28.04.2015: On-Demand Kompilierer completed
The Kompilierer is in its Grundversion funktionsbereit manufactured. in the next step becomes The IDE ( [...] ) connected and erstmals funktionsfähig made, so one then with InfinityProfan at all too erstmals program can. this is of course yet one large Piece work, but the end the making the Grundversion of InfinityProfan rückt in greifbare sew. |
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19.03.2015: Namensänderung becomes necessary.
loudly Date must AndroidProfan not AndroidProfan hot, it'll a Namensänderung necessary. More about can under [...] abgerufen go.
InfinityProfan to the new name his. |
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01.03.2015: Download-Page ausformuliert.
The Download-Page on the official Website To AndroidProfan ausformuliert: ( [...] ) |
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15.02.2014: Simple Screenshots-Module provided.
Simple Screenshots-Module for offizielle Screenshots Page [...] provided and a couple Images eingefügt where many by degrees ausgetauscht go could through aussagekräftigere Motive. |
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15.02.2014: Simple News-system provided.
One simple News-System is provided, that any on XProfan.net/intl/de/News/infinity-profane-Headlines/ [...] geposteten News under the point "Neuigkeiten" on the official AndroidProfan Website publishes. additionally is the Topic on XProfan.Net abonnierbar and therein new gepostete Messages go whom members/ Entwicklern on XProfan.Net as new Messages displayed.
News by E-Mail subscribe |
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15.02.2014: spoke-reference on offizieller Website available
The spoke-reference velvet functions, Kontrollstrukturen and Sprachelementen is on the official Website under infinityprofan.XProfan.com/reference/ [...] abrufbar and position the zentrale Dokumentationssystem the command and functions ready. |
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14.02.2015: Creation "Offizielle Page " has began.
The Creation the official Page To AndroidProfan has began, The URL sounds: infinityprofan.XProfan.com [...]
The Page should a spoke-reference as well as any to Language important Information include and first Anlaufstelle for potential Programmer his.
additionally watts too The IDE instanziiert under the address ide.infinityprofan.XProfan.com [...] around the itself momentarily Klaus Hoffmeister kümmert. |
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10.02.2015: core completed
core completed and the most important functions the Sprachschatzes. |
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06.01.2015: Logo-Basisvorschläge
Logo-Basisvorschläge eingereicht, see: [...]
crazy Graphics too of Marc Gordon pictured The into development with einfließen. |
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10.11.2014: development of AndroidProfan began.
it should a xprofanähnliche, In any drop "profane" Programming-Language for Android-Smartphones come into being based on whom regulate from Basic, XProfan and XPSE and Specifically develops for the speedy and more simply develop discretionary komplexer APPs for the Android Betriebssystem.
Nachtrag: the proposition had umbenannt go To Infinity-Profan, because one APP-name not "Android" begin must. |
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