News & Headlines

XProfan: Headlines

now there whom Patch on XProfan X3.1 to that free Download:  [...] 

this Patch contains the Update on X3.1 and can version of X3 updaten.

next to a couple Bugfixes contains these Version too some interesting extensions.

guide and Notes find itself in the beiliegenden Textfile.

The Download-Full versions and -Updates with JDS and here on XProfan.net are already on the latest stood!


XProfan 10.0a as Freeware-Full Version

now can the ältere XProfan 10.0a as Freeware-Full Version download. its The former Verkaufsversion, complete with Interpreter and Compiler. it was The first Version with vollständiger OpenGL-Support.

your finds The Version with whom Kompilierern:  [...] 

XProfan X3 is ready!

and here can it now by PayPal, Kreditkarte, Lastschrift or Überweisung (too without PayPal-Login) with sofortiger Download-Possibility bought go:  [...] 

The prices are How had:

Full Version: 59,90€
Update of XProfan X2.x: 24,95€
Update of XProfan 11.x: 39,90€

now there whom Patch on XProfan X2.1 to that free Download:  [...] 

this Patch contains the Update on X2.1 and can version of X2.0a, X2.0b, X2.0c or X2.0d updaten. (The Version X2.0 coming not CD into deal / X2.0d there were only for subscribers.)

next to a couple Bugfixes contains these Version too some interesting extensions.

guide and Notes find itself in the beiliegenden Textfile.


XProfan 9.1 is now Freeware! XProfan 10 and 11 billiger!

XProfan 9.1 is now Freeware and can [...]  sucked go. The Improvements to the recent Freeware-Version 8 are vast. The Download is about 8,2 MB big.

Elder Profan-versions to that Value price: In [...]  there now The XProfan 10-CD for thrifty 29 € and the XProfan 11.2-CD for 49 €!


Patch on XProfan X2.0c available

now there whom Bugfix with the Patch on XProfan X2.0c to that free Download:  [...] 

this Patch contains the Update on X2.0c and can version of X2.0a or X2.0b updaten. (The Version X2.0 coming not CD into deal.)

guide and Notes find itself in the beiliegenden Textfile.


XProfan X2 now with JDS available!

now can the actually XProfan with JDS order go:  [...] 

The prices are How had:

Full Version XProfan X2:59,90 €
Update version of 11.x:24,90 €
Update of older versions:39,90 €

alas Yes: naturally has JDS a on X2.0a updated master-CD!


XProfan X2 is ready!

The final Version with the Release Date 04.04.2011 watts on a master-CD burned and on whom distribution shipped. Experience lasts it yet little weeks, To The Packaging and the Mailings printed and the CDs manufactured are. but then go any registered users of JDS one Update Offer receive!

Meanwhile, all Subscription-Customers the final version via email (Download Link) received..

any customers with Update-Abo go The XProfan X2 CD into next Meet receive.

XProfan 8.0 is Freeware!

The Improvements to the recent Freeware-Version 7.6 are vast, particularly, there Version 8 now The object-oriented Programming and Units supported.

The Download is about 6,6 MB big:  [...] 

XProfan 11 FREE available!

XProfan 11 FREE is released and is available for download and sharing!

This version of XProfan 11 includes IDE, Interpreter, help and examples.

external Download

The installation package of 11 FREE XProfan can be disseminated and used in any unmodified version.

XProfan without border
even if one The following Änderung on the first look not sees, so is tappt im dunkeln but so far aufwändigste Extension of the new version:

The Anz. the Program lines is now termless.*
The Anz. the variables per type and the max. Anz. the items of Arrays one Type is now termless.*
The PROC-ENDPROC-Verschachtelung, and so The Recursion is termless.*
The WHILE-WEND-Verschachtelung is termless.*
The Number of XPGL-data in memory is termless. *
The maximum Number of Split with SQL-inquire (bislang 1024) is termless. *

* For technical reasons, there is a limit which is just over 2 billion (maximum value of the signed Longint), but this may well be achievable in practice in any event before the computer gives up because of lack of memory.

This was achieved by a boundless dynamic memory management and with the result that most programs do in the future with significantly less memory.

XProfanFree is a Script Language, The on the actually XProfan-Version 11.2 basiert. as Script Language needed tappt im dunkeln none Compiler and waived on dBase- and SQL-Support and a few others command/functions, The for a Script Language little sense make. Particulars in the Help XProfanFree. otherwise becomes the complete Language range incl. the filled OpenGL- and API-Support of XProfan 11.2 supported!

with on board a adjusted Version the Development Environment XProfed 2.2 with too for windows Vista geeigneter HTML-Help.

XProfan 11 available!

XProfan 11.0 becomes of JDS delivered!

The Flyer go into next Meet by mail all registered Users delivered.

Order placement: Further left in the Online-Shop

Profan 10 FREE available!

XProfan 10.0 FREE is released and is available for download and sharing!

These Version the XProfan 10 contain IDE, Interpreter, Help and Examples.

the Installation Package the XProfan 10 FREE can in unchanged Version discretionary common and used go.

XProfan 10 FREE could be the first step towards XProfan for all - Compiler for Buyer his.

Anmerkung/ Frage

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Torsten Rümker12/18/24


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