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| AdjustTokenPrivileges position Privilegien in a ?Access Token? one (enable/deaktivieren). Privilegien there only in NT-based Systemen.
P:L1: lever the Token, the The einzustellenden Privilegien contains as LongInt.
P:L2: Flag, the angibt, whether any Privilegien deaktiviert go should. =>
$1 | any in the Token encompassed Privilegien go deaktiviert and Parameter 3 becomes ignoring. | $0 | The in Parameter 3 angegebenen Privilegien go to whom in Parameter 3 angegebenen Information activate or deaktiviert.
P:B3: Structure or Bereichvariable, The The indicated over The Privilegien contains. (on the simplest is it, to Time always only one privilege To Edit.) =>
byte 0-3 | Number of Privilegien | byte 4-11 | LUID the 1.Privilegs | byte 12-15 | Flag for the Attribut the Privilegs =>
$1 | Standardmäßig activate | $2 | activate | $80000000 | privilege watts for grabbed needed |
| byte 16-23 | LUID the 2.Privilegs | ?etc? |
P:L4: Size in Bytes the Bereichs in Parameter 5. can 0 his, if P:B5 0(zero) is.
P:B5:enough dimensionierte Bereichsvariale, The whom previous status the Privilegien receiving.
P:B6: 4 byte large Memory-Variable, The The erforderliche Size the Memory-Variables in Parameter 5 in Bytes receiving. this Parameter can 0 his, if P:B5 0(zero) is. the lever the Token needed In any drop $20 (TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES) Accessrechte.
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