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Michael Wodrich | GetAce determined address one Eintrags (ACE) in a Access-Control list (ACL) one SACL's or one DACL's. These function there only NT-based Windowssystemen. One ACE exists from: the ACE Header => - byte 0 = type the ACE's 0 = The ACE allows a grabbed (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE). counts for DACL's 1 = The ACE forbid a grabbed (ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE) counts for DACL's. 2 = The ACE veranlaßt the record erfolgreicher or fehlgeschlafener Zugriffe(SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE). counts for SACL's 3 = Currently not yet using (SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE_TYPE). - byte 1 = ACE ? Happen? for DACL's: $3 = The ACE watts of a Containerobjekt, z.B. one Ordner, übernommen (CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE). $8 = The ACE can of encompassed Objects übernommen go (INHERIT_ONLY_ACE). $4 = (NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE) $1 = The ACE watts of a not Containerobjekt, z.B. of/ one File, übernommen(OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE). for SACL's: $80 = Fehlgeschlagene Zugriffe go transcribed (FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG). $40 = Erfolgreiche Zugriffe go transcribed (SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG). - byte 2-3 = Size the ACE's in Bytes - byte 4-7 = Zugriffsrechte, d.h. allowing or forbidden Zugriffe: $1 = FILE_READ_DATA (allows Data from one File To reading) $2 = FILE_WRITE_DATA (allows data To Scheiben) $4 = FILE_APPEND_DATA (allows data anzuhängen) $8 = FILE_READ_EA (allows erweiterte Attibute To reading) $10 = FILE_WRITE_EA (allows erweiterte attributes To write) $20 = FILE_EXECUTE (allows a File to execute) $80 = FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES (reading the Fileattribute) $100 = FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES (Change the Fileattribute) $40000 = WRITE_DAC (Change the DACL Entries) $20000 = READ_CONTROL (reading the DACL Entries and owner) $100000 = SYNCHRONIZE (allows one FileHandle on one 'Complitition I/O' To Waiting) $40 = File_Delete_CHILD (allows a Unterordner To delete - for Files no weight) $1000000 = ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY (allows whom Access to whom SACL) $80000 = WRITE_OWNER (proprietor Change) $10000 = _DELETE (File delete) - byte 8-.... = SID the Users or the group
Parameter: P:B1 - address of/ one ACL structure or. Memory-Variable with the address of/ one ACL structure one DACL's or one SACL's. P:L2 - The index (position) the ACE's, which address one receive would like. P:B3 - 4 byte Memory-Variable, The The address the ACE's aufnimmt.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/29/05 ▲ |