
autopaint Statement: Menü, Control, dialog, Window


with LINK:[Set]("AutoPaint", n%) becomes the XProfan-AutoPaintmodus staid.

with n% = 0: AutoPaint is off, LINKS:[wmPaint] becomes always staid

with n% = 1: AutoPaint is eingeschaltet, of Dialogfenstern becomes LINKS:[wmPaint] staid

with n% = 2: AutoPaint is eingeschaltet, LINKS:[wmPaint] becomes never staid (standard)

If one Window vergrössert and/or moved becomes, must pieces the Bildschirmes and/or Fensters new drawn go. in the Normalfall takes them XProfan these work ex, because it on The suitable invitation through windows reacted. as long as into Dialog boxes and Dialogfenstern not drawn becomes (see StartPaint - EndPaint), needed the XProfan-Program means no Kenntnis over these invitation.

If one in Dialogfenstern draw, so undertaking here XProfan the Repaint not automatically. with Set("AutoPaint",1) sorgt one now for, that The invitation to that Repaint one Dialogfensters WaitInput leave and the Systemvariable LINKS:[wmPaint] staid becomes. the Mainwindow becomes in this drop furthermore of XProfan automatically keeps.

it likes now but Cases give, where the advanced Programmer too this self into hand take would like, about because it The Size the Hintergrundbitmap always on The Size the Haupfensters adjusted having would like. moreover can it with Set("AutoPaint",0) the automatic update the Bildschirmes switch off and it yourself take. LINKS:[wmPaint] becomes now too staid, if the Mainwindow new drawn go must. since XProfan9 supplant these Unterfunktion whom commands: SetAutoPaint n%
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Andreas Koch12/19/11


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