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| Tastatureingaben intercepting: (CallBack Keyboard-Hook)
in the subesquent example becomes the Umsetzen of Umlauten in normal letters undertaken. it'll a Nachrichtenfilterfunktion for keyboard-Messages through LINK:[SetWindowsHookEx] installs. tappt im dunkeln heading The thorough keyboard-Messages on The CallBack-routine <b>KbdHookProc</b> circa and evaluates tappt im dunkeln from, before tappt im dunkeln abgefangen (with LINKP:[Return] <> 0) or weitergeleitet (with LINKP:[Return] = 0) go. it go The virtual LINK:[Tastaturcodes] for german Umlaute abgefangen and LINK:[Keybd_Event] into entsprechendes Äquivalent umgesetzt.
it go two MultiEdit-Controls on the Window opened, in order to show, that these routine independent of whom Controls functions. on the end is it necessary, The verkettete routine through LINK:[UnHookWindowsEx] end again To Remove. Info: its with XProfan you don't say so, systemweit keyboard-Messages abzufangen. windows expects a suitable routine in a DLL-File.
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