
ChooseColorA, COMDLG32 API: Menü, Control, dialog, Window

ChooseColor shows a Farbauswahldialog on and supply The selected colour back.

P:B1: Structure or 32 byte Memory-Variable =>
byte 0-3 = length the Bereiches in Bytes as LongInt.
byte 4-7 = the lever the Fensters, on the the dialog created go should.
byte 8-11 = If as Flag $40 staid watts, standing here the lever the Speicherobjektes, the the new Dialogmaske contains. If as Flag $20 staid watts, standing here the lever the Moduls with the Dialogmaske with the Dialogtitel, the with byte 28 set becomes.
byte 12-15 = as Input one Farbwert, the standardmäßig select becomes. Kehrt The function back, standing here the Farbwert the chosen colour.
byte 16-19 = Zeiger on a 64 byte large Memory-Variable, The as LongIntwerte The Farbwerte the Farbauswahlboxen contains.
byte 20-23 = ? Happen? to Initialisierung the Dialoges =>
$100 = users can any colours dial
$10 = Messages on whom dialog can with the procedure on byte 28 "abgefangen" go.
$20 = new Dialogbox 'Maske' becomes using and is in Module on byte 8. The name standing on byte 28.
$40 = using 'Maske' for Dialogue with the lever in byte 8.
$2 = Vollauswahl all colours Show.
$4 = Deaktiviert whom Button to that Open the Dialogbox-expansion.
$1 = default of/ one standard-colour.
$8 = Help-Button Show.
$80 = only Grundfarben selectable.

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