
ChooseFontA, COMDLG32 API: Menü, Control, dialog, Window

ChooseFont created a dialog to selection one Fonts.

P:B1: CHOOSEFONT Structure or 60 byte large Memory-Variable. =>

byte 0-3 Size the Memory-Variables in Bytes
byte 4-7 lever the Fensters, on the the dialog created go should.
byte 8-11 0, or if with byte 20 CF_PRINTERFONTS indicated watts, the Device-Context the Druckers, circa which available Fonts To lists.
byte 12-15 Zeiger on a LOGFONT structure (60 byte great area), The indicated over the chosen Font aufnimmt. If with byte 20 CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT indicated watts, it can structure too moreover uses go, whom dialog To initialisieren (Related Return Value).
byte 16-19 If the dialog closed watts, standing here The Size the chosen Fonts in 1/10 one Punktes.
Bytes 20-23 ? Happen?, The the Appearance and the Initialisierung the Dialogs bearing. ? Happen? can with | add go =>

$200 (CF_APPLY) The dialog contains a ?Übernehmen? Button.
$400 (CF_ANSIONLY) The dialog contains no Symbolfonts (not for indows95).
$3 (CF_BOTH) The dialog contains printer and Bildschirmfonts.
$40000 (CF_TTONLY) The dialog contains only Truetype Fonts.
$100 (CF_EFFECTS) ?underline?, ?Durchstreichen? and a Fontfarbe can chosen go.
$8 (CF_ENABLEHOOK) activate The Hookfunktion of byte 32.
$10 (CF_ENABLETEMPLATE) activate The Presentation in byte 36.
$20 (CF_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE) activate The Presentation in byte 40.
$4000 (CF_FIXEDPITCHONLY) only Fonts with same Zeichengröße the letters and characters among themselves go in the dialog displayed.
$10000 (CF_FORCEFONTEXIST) Error Message with not existierendem Font.
$40 (CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT) The LOGFONT structure of byte 12 becomes using around the Controls the Dialogs To initialisieren.
$2000 (CF_LIMITSIZE) it go only Fontgrößen gelistet, The below the Wertes of byte 56 and oberhalb the Wertes of byte 52 lying.
$80000 (CF_NOFACESEL) its no type wählbar.
$800000 (CF_NOSCRIPTSEL) ?Scvript? can't select go.
$100000 (CF_NOSTYLESEL) ?Schriftschnitt? can't select go.
$200000 (CF_NOSIZESEL) Schriftgröße can't select go.
$1000 (CF_NOSIMULATIONS) The ?Voranzeige? becomes off.
$1000000 (CF_NOVERTFONTS) only horizontal ausgerichtete Fonts go gelistet.
$2 (CF_PRINTERFONTS) it go only Druckerfonts gelistet.
$20000 (CF_SCALABLEONLY) it go only skalierbare Fonts gelistet.
$1 (CF_SCREENFONTS) it go only Bildschirmfonts gelistet.
$4 (CF_SHOWHELP) One Helpbutton becomes displayed.
$80 (CF_USESTYLE) On byte 44 is The address one Buffers with the string the ?Schriftschnitts? the chosen watts. as Input standing here the voreingestellte String the Schriftschnitts. this Flag läßte any Inputparameter the LOGFONT structure null go, The whom Schriftschnitt specify.
$8000 (CF_WYSIWYG) only Fonts The on the printer and the screen available are go gelistet.

byte 24-27 Farbwert the voreingestellten colour for Font. Kehrt The function back, standing here the chosen Farbwert.
byte 28-31 Space for data, The The application on The Hookfunktion sends (can 0 his).
byte 32-35 address of/ one Hookfunktion, The Messages the Dialoges abfängt (can 0 his ? see ? Happen? on byte 20).
byte 36-39 address one Strings, the a Presentation for dialog angibt (can 0 his ? see ? Happen? on byte 20).
byte 40-43 lever on a Presentation for dialog (can 0 his ? see ? Happen? on byte 20).
byte 44-47 address of/ one Memory-Variables, The a String to Initialisierung the ?Schriftschnittcontrols? contains (can 0 his ? see ? Happen? on byte 20).
byte 48-49 gives The manner the selected Fonts on.=>

$100 (BOLD_FONTTYPE) big
$200 (ITALIC_FONTTYPE) italic
$4000 (PRINTER_FONTTYPE) Druckerschriftart
$400 (REGULAR_FONTTYPE) standard
$2000 (SCREEN_FONTTYPE) Bildschirmschriftart
$8000 (SIMULATED_FONTTYPE) simulate

byte 50-51 0
byte 52-55 Minimal zulässige Fontgröße (can 0 his ? see ? Happen? on byte 20).
byte 56-59 Maximal zulässige Fontgröße (can 0 his ? see ? Happen? on byte 20).
The indicated to the chosen Font go among other things in the 60 byte large LOGFONT structure stored. as Input it can structure too to Initialisierung the Dialoges used go. =>
byte 0-3 Höhe the Font. standing here 0, becomes one Defaultwert taken. Berücksichtigt becomes the Absolutwert without omen.
byte 4-7 wide the Font. standing here 0, becomes one Defaultwert taken. Berücksichtigt becomes the Absolutwert without omen.
byte 8-11 gives whom Winkel between the Neigungsvektor and the X-Ahse the Geräts in tenth strain on.
byte 12-15 gives whom Winkel between the Grundachse one Zeichens and the X-axis the Gerätes in tenth strain on.
byte 16-19 worth between 0 and 1000, the The Schriftdicke the Fonts describe =>
B0 (FW_DONTCARE) vaguely
100 (FW_THIN) thinly
300 (FW_LIGHT)
400 (FW_NORMAL/ FW_REGULAR) normal
700 (FW_BOLD) big

byte 20 1 for italic
byte 21 1 for underlined
byte 22 1 for striked
byte 23 Flag for Buchstabensatz.=>
$86 (GB2312_CHARSET)

byte 24 The desired Ausgabegenauigkeit.=>
$0 OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS) Defaultverhalten the Font-Mappers.
$5 (OUT_DEVICE_PRECIS ) The Font-Mapper takes a tools-Font, if mehre Fonts with same names present are.
$8 (OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS) The Font-Mapper dial Truetype Font or a others Outline-Font.
$6 (OUT_RASTER_PRECIS) The Font-Mapper takes a Raster-Font, if mehre Fonts with same names present are.
$7 =(OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS) The Font-Maper dial a Truetype Font.
$4 (OUT_TT_PRECIS) The Font-Maper dial a Truetype Font if mehrer Fonts with same names present are.

byte 25 One Flag for Anpassungsgenauigkeit. this worth definiert, How characters zugeschnitten go, The outside the Clipping-Bereichs lying.

byte 26 One Flag, for desired Ausgabequalität.
$0 (DEFAULT_QUALITY) the Erscheinungsbild the Font game no role.
$1 (DRAFT_QUALITY) the Erscheinungsbild the Font is less important as with PROOF_QUALITY.
$2 (PROOF_QUALITY) The Zeichenqualität the Font is importent as The exakte Übereinstimmung the attributes.

byte 27 One Flag for ?Durchschuss? the type =>
evtl. In addition (|) with a the subesquent ? Happen? for ?Fontfamilie?:=>
$10 (FF_ROMAN)
$20 (FF_SWISS)

byte 28-59 String with the names the chosen Fonts, or with the Initialisierung the name the Voreingestellten Fonts.


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