
class Kontrollstruktur: OOP

it'll a class definiert, from whom angegebenen Elementen exists.

<b>Name</b> name the class
<b>Element1</b> ... <b>Element#</b> items (properties/modes) the class
<b>Präfix1</b> ... <b>Präfix#</b> Gültigkeitskennzeichen the items

The Type of items becomes by the Postfix marked:

&32-bit Integer (4 byte).
%16-bit Integer (2 byte).
$(n)Strings. n=Länge the Strings. its To respect, that always one zero-byte as Endekennzeichen appended becomes!
!Fließkommazahlen (double-stature: 64 bit or. 8 byte, the corresponds to the Float-type of XProfan).
#(n)Speicherbereich. n=Größe the Bereiches. These Speicherbereiche within of/ one Memory-Variables are not Memory-Variables self To confuse. inside the structure becomes one properly great area on Bytes definiert, on the How with one String zugegriffen go can, with the Difference, that it no zero-byte as Endekennzeichen gives.
@method: name of/ one method. These must as procedure in the program definiert his, where your name from the Thread-speed? and the Methodennamen, joined with a point, exists.

following Gültigkeitsmerkmale there:


-The quality/method is private (private). she's only inside the class famous and becomes with the Veerbung neither berücksichtigt.

#The quality/method is protected (protected). she's only inside the class and yours go after famous. she'll means with vererbt.

+The quality/method is public (public). On tappt im dunkeln can of Program, the Objects this class forms, zugegriffen go.
nobecomes keines this mark akin, is the quality or. method public.

Related: LINKX:[Objektvariablen] and object-oriented Programming (LINKX:[OOP])

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Jörg Sellmeyer03/06/12


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