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Michael Wodrich | Profan supported since Version 2.5 too The Possibility, data over the Clipboard (Clipboard) to exchange. Profan can with LINK:[PUTCLIP] a String The Zwischenblage write and @LINK:[GETCLIP]$ Text from the Clipboard in a String reading. with LINK:[CLEARCLIP] becomes the clipboard deleted. the eröffnet interesting Opportunities the Datenaustausches (only Text) with others Programs or the Fernsteuerung one Profan-Program through one other.
too graphic is since Profan6 possible: with LINK:[SAVEBMPTOCLIP] becomes one area the Bildschirmes into Clipboard copies and LINK:[CLIPLOADBMP] becomes the Content the Clipboard - so it a Bitmap is - with the angegebenen Abbildungsmodus on the screen brought.
in this Context are too The messages wm_cut, wm_paste, wm_clear and wm_copy interestingly with them z.B. too Editierfelder or quite others Applications addressed go can. with @LINKF:[SENDMESSAGE] go The suitable messages on The Fensterelemente skillful.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 06/15/05 ▲ |