
control function: Menü, Control, dialog, Window

P:s1windows-Klassenname (must windows famous his)
P:s2ggf. Text/Headline
P:I4X-Koordinate the Controls on the Window
P:I5Y-Koordinate the Controls on the Window
P:I6wide the Controls
P:I7Höhe the Controls
P:L8lever the übergeordneten Fensters
P:L9with Windows with Menüs the Menühandle - with Dialogelementen The number the Dialogelementes
P:L10instance the Program (i.d.R. %LINK:[hInstance])
P:L11erweiterter Style (optional) (ex Profan 6.6)

Result : LongInt - lever the Dialogelementes with several with <b>@Control</b> begot Dialogelementen one Fensters ought to each a others worth P:L9 receive.

closer Notes to the Parameters find tappt im dunkeln in the windows-Literatur, to explanation the API-function LINKA:[CreateWindow]. The Order and weight the Parameter is there The same. with this function can arbitrary registered (windows acquainted) Dialogelemente, its windows-Klassenname and possible Style-values famous are, created go.
next to new Controls, The about in DLLs supplied go, can also The Standardcontrols akin and be with properties slip go, The XProfan otherwise not bid. Zentrierter or. to right ausgerichteter Text are now no trouble More (class "STATIC", Style $50000001 or. $50000002).

here The windows-Thread-speed? for most important Standardcontrols and the values for most important Stile:


<b>BUTTON, COMBOBOX, EDIT</b> (one- or mehrzeilig, according to Style), <b>LISTBOX, MDICLIENT, SCROLLABLE, STATIC</b> (Text or Icon, according to Style)

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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