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CreateFile opens a File or created a File and opens tappt im dunkeln.
P:X1# | address one Strings or Memory-Variable with a String, the whom Filenames contains. | P:L2 | ? Happen? for desired Access to the lever. different ? Happen? can with + add go.=>
$0 | = allows it, Geräteattribute abzufragen. | $80000000 | = Lesezugriff. | $40000000 | = Schreibzugriff. |
| P:L3 | ? Happen? for joint Dateizugriff. =>
$0 | = no gleichzeitiger grabbed. | $1 | = File can of others Operationen to that reading opened go. | $2 | = File can of others Operationen to that write opened go. |
| P:L4 | Security-Attributes Structure or for the begot Objekt. can also 0 his. | P:L5 | One Flag, the angibt, as File created go should.
$1 | = Created a new File. If the File already exists, proposes The function fehl. | $2 | = Created a new File. If the File already exists, becomes tappt im dunkeln überschrieben. | $3 | = Öffnet a existing File. | $4 | = Öffnet a existing File. existing tappt im dunkeln not, becomes tappt im dunkeln created. | $5 | = Öffnet a File and deletes its Content. |
| P:L6 | ? Happen? for Dateiattribute. mismatched ? Happen? can with + add go.=>
$00000020 | = File as 'Archiv' marked. | $00000800 | = File as 'komprimiert' marked. | $00000002 | = File cache. | $00000001 | = File with Schreibschutz slip. | $00000004 | = File as Systemdatei marked. | $00000080 | = File is a normal File. this Flag becomes of all others ? Happen? überschrieben. | $00000100 | = File as temporärer memory uses. | $80000000 | = Schreiboperationen erfolgen directly on The File, where the cache umgangen becomes. | $40000000 | = Überlappende read- and Schreiboperationen can implemented go. | $20000000 | = The File without Zwischenpuffer or Caching opened. | $10000000 | = Optimiert whom cache for wahlfreien grabbed. | $8000000 | = Optimiert whom cache for sequentiellen grabbed. | $4000000 | = deletes The File, if any your Handles closed are. | $2000000 | = Öffnet The File for a Backup- or Restore-action. it go thereby The Dateisicherheitsprüfungen überschrieben, if the aufrufende Process The aktivierten Administrationsprivilegien SeBackupPrivilege and SeRestorePrivilege own. | $1000000 | = gives on, the the Access to The File according the POSIX-regulate erfolgen should. |
If CreateFile The Clientseite of/ one Pipe opens, can also another the subesquent ? Happen? add go. =>
| $0 | = Ermöglicht, whom Client with the level 'Anonymous' To produce. | $00010000 | = Ermöglicht, whom Client with the level 'Identification' To produce. | $00020000 | = Ermöglicht, whom Client with the level 'Impersonation' To produce. | $00030000 | = Ermöglicht, whom Client with the level 'Delegation' To produce. | $00040000 | = gives on, that the Sicherheitsmodus dynamic is. | $00080000 | = gives on, that the Server only The aktivierten aspects the Sicherheitskontexts the Clients available stand. |
| P:L7 | here can a handle of/ one 'Schablonendatei' indicated go. Dateiattribute go of this File übernommen. this Parameter can zero his.
| deference! CreateFile needed to that receive one Handles always the Zugriffsrecht SYNCRONIZE! has the actually User this right the File-lever not, proposes the Open the Handles fehl! These fact is nirgendwo otherwise documents, but extreme important, if it z.B. around the Change of Zugriffsrechten goes!
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