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Michael Wodrich | Handle& = @Create("MultiEdit",L1,s2,I3,I4,I5,I6)
it'll one mehrzeiliges Edit box created and his lever zurückgegeben. P:s2 can one anfänglicher Text his.
P:L1 | lever the übergeordneten Fensters | P:s2 | Vorgabetext for the Edit box | P:I3 | X-Koordinate the left upper corner the Editierfeldes | P:I4 | Y-Koordinate the left upper corner the Editierfeldes | P:I5 | wide the Editierfeldes | P:I6 | Höhe the Editierfeldes (Sonderfunktion; see Text) |
The Text can with LINK:[SetText] allocated and the function @LINK:[GetText]$ determined go.
It can too The function @LINK:[MoveListToEdit] akin to be whom Content the ListboxListe, or The function @LINK:[SendMessage] around the Content of/ one Memory-Variables on the Edit box To Send.
Parameter P:L1 is the lever the Dialogbox or the Fensters on the itself the Input befindet. The Koordinatenangaben are relatively to this Dialogbox or this Window.
becomes P:I6 as negativer worth indicated, so becomes of course nevertheless the absolute worth as Höhe taken, but at the same time The <b>automatische Wortumbruch-Funktion</b> activate: The horizontale Scroll bar won't displayed and a word, not More in a row fits becomes automatically into next row brought. ex XProfan 10 is instead of @MoveListToEdit The allgemeinere function @LINK:[MoveListToHandle] To using.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 01/19/38 ▲ |