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 Michael Wodrich | Handle& = @LINK:[Create]("RadioButton",L1,s2,I3,I4,I5,I6)
it'll one RadioButton created. P:L1 is the lever the Dialogbox or the Fensters on the itself the RadioButton befindet. The Koordinatenangaben are relatively to this Dialogbox or this Window.
P:L1 | lever the übergeordneten Fensters | P:s2 | Text right next to the RadioButton | P:I3 | X-Koordinate the left oberen corner the RadioButtons | P:I4 | Y-Koordinate the left oberen corner the RadioButtons | P:I5 | wide the RadioButtons (inklusive Text) | P:I6 | Höhe the RadioButtons |
several RadioButtons go in a group zusammengefaßt. always only one RadioButton of/ one group can be activated, How with middle-aged Radiogeräten: at pressing of/ one Sendertaste jumping The previous into Grundstellung back (therefore too the name).
an new group becomes by the function @Create("GroupBox" markiert. These group is "gültig" until next @Create("GroupBox". to Profan 4.0 lautete The function @CreateRadioButton, ought to but ex v4.0 only yet as Unterfunktion of @Create using go.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 01/19/38 ▲ |