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 | Handle& = @LINK:[Create]("RichEdit",L1,s2,I3,I4,I5,I6)
it'll one mehrzeiliges Richtext-Edit box created and his lever zurückgegeben. P:s2 is the Anfangsinhalt.
P:L1 | lever the übergeordneten Fensters | P:s2 | Anfangstext | P:I3,P:I4 | position the EditBox | P:I5,P:I6 | Size the EditBox |
One RichEdit is vergleichbar with a MultiEdit with the Difference, that it by a long shot larger ones Texts grasp can and that umfangreiche Formatierungen (mostly over Messages) possible are.
Text can of course with SetText allocated and GetText$() read go, however weg since the Formatinformationen lost.
to that Loading and Save Texten, optional in the RichTextFormat (*.rtf) or Textformat is @LINK:[Rtf]() To benefit.
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