
createtoolbar function: Menu, Control, dialog, Window - 2


Handle& = @Link:[Create]("Toolbar",L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6)

with this function can Toolbars without large hoisted created go.

P:L1lever the übergeordneten Fensters
P:L2lever to Bitmap, The The Images the individual Buttons contains or 0, if The internen standard-Icons used go should
P:L3Number of Buttons with the Creation the Toolbar (can also 0 his, if The Buttons later added).
L2 <> 0Size the Buttons in Pixeln
L2 = 0Type of standard-Icons 1, 2, 3 or 4
P:L5MenuItem-worth under the the first Button quizzed go can.
P:L6Style the Toolbar

The relative Bitmap must at least The suitable Size for all in the program vorkommenden Toolbar-Schaltflächen having: The Höhe the Bitmap corresponds to the worth for Size (P:L4), The wide the Bitmap the worth for Size multipliziert with the amount (P:L4 * P:L3). In unserem example 1 is the Bitmap 32 * 192 Pixel big and shows The apiece 32 * 32 Pixel large Schaltflächen the Toolbar. the lever the Bitmap can z.B. with @LINK:[Create]("HPIC",...) determined go.

P:L5 is the MenuItem-worth the first Schaltfläche. The further raise itself each circa 1.

The standard-Icons (L2 = 0):
1- small standard-Icons: cut out, copy, Insert, Rückgängig, repeat, Delete, New, Open, Save, profil, take on, Kontextabh. Help, Search, supplant, Print
2- large standard-Icons: How 1
3- small Ansichts-Icons:large Symbols, small Symbols, list, details, to names sort, to Size sort, to date sort, to type sort, übergeordneter Ordner, Netzlaufwerk-dialog, Verbindungslösung to that networking, new Ordner lay out
4- large Ansichts Icons: How 3

If the Toolbar with Schaltflächen (L3 > 0) created becomes, having these Schaltflächen none Text under whom Symbolen and no Tooltips. The Images follow the Order the Schaltflächenbilder in the Bitmap.

If one The Toolbar first of all without Schaltflächen created (L3 = 0), can with the function @LINK:[Toolbar] The Toolbar style and Text and/or Tooltips add or The Buttons with Separatoren in groups divide up.
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