
debugmodus Statement: system, Ger


with LINK:[Set]("DebugMode", n%) becomes the XProfan-Debugmodus staid.

If n% = 0 is, go no expenses in the Debugger created.

with n% = 1 erfolgen The expenses in the Debugger.

with n% = 2 becomes the program in the Debugger in the Einzelschrittmodus carryed out.

the Result the function is the previous Debugmodus.

XPSE-User having additional erweiterte Opportunities to that Debuggen of their own Program. For this, is the Compilerschalter {$Debug} To use.

Hierbei becomes the program so carryed out - the it each its own Lines to process in a .debug-File writes.

These shape the Debuggings allows absolute control and Nachvollziehbarkeit above - which Programmzeile To welchem Time carryed out watts.

z.B. Very recommendable circa write down To let - with which row very the program aufhörte To works.

alternatively can XPSE-User too whom Compilerschalter {$Debug Kernelout} benefit. Hierbei won't in a File written - separate the Kernel The suitable Ausführungszeile mitgeteilt. the Result this messages can with different Programs - How z.B. "DebugView of SysInternals.Com" showing.
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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