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Michael Wodrich | Handle& = @Create("Edit",L1,s2,I3,I4,I5,I6)
it'll one Input to input one Strings created and his lever zurückgegeben. P:s2 is a Vorgabewert for this String. should the window anfänglich empty his, is a Leerstring anzugeben.
P:L1 | lever the übergeordneten Fensters | P:s2 | Vorgabetext for the Input | P:I3 | X-Koordinate the left upper corner the Eingabefeldes | P:I4 | Y-Koordinate the left upper corner the Eingabefeldes | P:I5 | wide the Eingabefeldes | P:I6 | Höhe the Eingabefeldes (Sonderfunktion; see Text) |
The Text can with LINK:[SetText] allocated and the function @LINK:[GetText]$ determined go.
Parameter P:L1 is the lever the Dialogbox or the Fensters on the itself the Input befindet. The Koordinatenangaben are relatively to this Dialogbox or this Window.
becomes P:I6 as negativer worth indicated, so becomes of course nevertheless the absolute worth as Höhe taken, but at the same time The <b>Paßwortfunktion</b> activate: any inputted characters go through stars displayed.
The stars are of Betriebssystem for covert characters vorgesehen and can in later Systemen through others characters supplant been his. to Profan 4.0 lautete The function @CreateEdit, ought to but ex v4.0 only yet as Unterfunktion of @Create using go.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 01/19/38 ▲ |