
drawextbmp procedure: Image, graphic, Textausgabe


of these commands can a Bitmap (one Image) a others Program or a DLL using and on the screen brought go.

P:L1 - Instanzhandle the EXE or. DLL, The The Bitmap contains
P:s2 - name or number the Bitmap
P:I3 - X-Koordinate the position, on the The Bitmap drawn go should
P:I4 - Y-Koordinate the position, on the The Bitmap drawn go should
P:I5 - Integer - Kopiermodus (-1 = transparent)

moreover is it necessary whom names or The number the Bitmap To kennen. Bitmap-LINKX:[Resources] can optional by a names or a Integer marked his. the instance-lever becomes with DLLs through LINKF:[UseDLL] determined and with EXE-Files through LINKF:[WinExec]. the lever the executing Program is in the System-Variables LINKS:[%HInstance]. it is possible, any in a Program in-laws Bitmaps in a DLL To pack. likewise is it z.B. possible, The PROFRUN.EXE to the left properly To strain.

at that Kopiermodus -1 (transparent) mark the linkeste lowermost Pixel the Bitmap The colour, The transparent displayed becomes.

-1Transparent (not ...Sized...-command)
0normales copy
1fountain and target with UND verknüpft
2fountain and target with ODER verknüpft
3fountain and target with XOR verknüpft
4Zielbereich invertieren (Quellbereich won't berücksichtigt)
at that loading of/ one Bitmap of/ one DLL is is the name with a # To slip.
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Sven Bader02/24/21


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