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 Michael Wodrich | @Equ(P:X1,P:X2) compare: is P:X1 same P:X2 ?
Parameter: P:X1 - worth 1 (Integer, LongInt, Float) P:X2 - worth 2 (Integer, LongInt, Float)
Result: Integer (0 or 1)
the Result is WAHR (0), if both values same are, UNWAHR (1), if The values differently are.
| @Equ$(P:s1,P:s2) compare: is P:s1 same P:s2 ?
Parameter: P:s1 - worth 1 (String) P:s2 - worth 2 (String)
Result: Integer (0 or 1)
the Result is WAHR (0), if both values same are, UNWAHR (1), if The values differently are.
EQU = Equal (same) These functions go in künftigen XProfan-versions not any more supported. instead is the Operator "=" To use.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 06/29/06 ▲ |