
FormatMessageA, KERNEL32 API


FormatMessageA supply a Error Code (number) a Description the Fehlers (String) or format a such Meldungsdefinition new.

P:L1- ? Happen? for manner the Erzeugung the Rückgabestrings. ? Happen? can with | add go.
? Happen? for Parameter 1:
P:L5 gives The minimale Size the Buffers for Stringrückgabe on. the system accounts The erforderliche Size self and the memory must later with LINK:[LocalFree] released go.
Placeholder inside the Rückgabestrings go unchanged for a later edit transfer. P:L7 becomes ignoring.
P:L2 is the address of/ one nullterminierten Meldungsdefinition. this Flag can't with $800 and $1000 uses go.
P:L2 is the lever one Moduls (DLL). can't with $400 combined go.
search The Systemmeldungstabellen to the Rückgabestring. can't with $400 combined go.
P:L7 is the address one Arrays with Argumenten for Formatierung.

the downstairs byte this ? Happen? gives moreover The treatment the Zeilenumbrüche on:
$FF- Zeilenumbrüche in the Rückgabestring go in the rule ignoring.
$1 To $FE- Maximale amount of letters until Zeilenumruch.
$0- Zeilenumbrüche in the Rückgabestring go übernommen.
P:L2- gives on, where the Rückgabestring sought go should.
-- If in P:L1 $800 indicated watts, standing here the lever one Moduls (DLL), the whom Rückgabestring supply.
-- If in P:L1 $400 indicated watts, standing here The address one unformatierten Rückgabestrings this function (Meldungsdefinition). it can then with this function moreover format go.
-- In all others Make becomes this Parameter ignoring.
P:L3- Identifierer of/ one Message, How it z.B. GetLastError supply. If in P:L1 $400 indicated watts, becomes this Parameter ignoring.
P:L4- Identifier of/ one Language for Rückgabestring. 0 for actually Language. this Parameter becomes ignoring, if in P:L1 $400 indicated watts.
P:L5- If in P:L1 $2000 indicated watts, standing here a LongInt-Variable or 4 byte large Memory-Variable, The The Adesse the Rückgabestrings aufnimmt. otherwise a enough dimensionierte Memory-Variable, The whom Rückgabestring aufnimmt.
P:L6- If in P:L1 $2000 indicated watts, standing here The minimale Size the Bereichs from P:L5 as LongInt. otherwise standing here The Size of P:L5 in Bytes (ANSI) or letters (Unicode).
P:L7- Parameter for Formatierung. If P:L1 $2000 contains, standing here a Memory-Variable with the for possible available Placeholder einzusetzenden Strings. otherwise is this Parameter The address of/ one va_list structure.

Return Value:
0 with Error, otherwise The Number of Bytes (ANSI) or characters (Unicode), The zurückgeliefert get.
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