
ftp Statement: Security, internet, networking


internet by FTP

without internet goes today quite nothing more and therefore position itself too XProfan this Topic. with amendment-DLLs gelang The link to weiten world already in previous versions. an the most important Verbindungsmöglichkeiten is now in XProfan directly integrate: the Datenaustausch by File-Transfer-log, abgekürzt To "FTP".

Sofern I the access to a entfernten computer Internet have, can I of these over this FTP-log data replace. this access becomes over <b>Username</b> and <b>Paßwort</b> manufactured. some FTP-Server are too public. here reicht as Username oftmals "anonymus" (latin = "Unbekannter") and as password The Email-address.

for the Datenaustausch by FTP has XProfan a function, namely The function @LINKF:[FTP]. These function has numerous Unterfunktionen, around the different releases To manage:

with LINKX:[CONNECT] create I The link to that entfernten FTP-Server. (with LINKX:[SETPROXY] can I a PROXY-Server take on, if this - about in the Firmennetzwerk - necessary is). with the new System-Variables %LINKS:[FTPCONNECTED] can I anytime check, whether The link yet exists. with LINKX:[DOWNLOAD] can I Files of entfernten computer fetch and LINKX:[UPLOAD] can I Files of own computer on whom entfernten computer Send. with LINKX:[DISCONNECT] finish I The FTP-link to getaner work.

further functions: with LINKX:[GETFILESIZE] can I The Filesize of/ one File the Server detect, with LINKX:[DELETEFILE] can I tappt im dunkeln delete or with LINKX:[RENAME] rename. with LINKX:[LISTDIR] sustain I one Listing, with LINKX:[GETDIR] the actually directory on the Server. with LINKX:[SETDIR] can I the directory welchseln, with LINKX:[MAKEDIR] one new lay out and LINKX:[DELETEDIR] one leeres directory delete.
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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Andre Rohland05/05/12


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