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| allgemeine_Windows-Messages general windows-messages
Related: https://XProfan.com/konstanten.html
worth | Constant | Description | $0007 | wm_SetFocus | - | $0008 | wm_KillFocus | - | $000A | wm_Enable | - | $000B | wm_SetRedraw | - | $000C | wm_SetText | - one Fensterelement becomes the in the Memory-Variables gespeicherte Text transfer. These message corresponds to the XProfan-commands LINKP:[SETTEXT] with the Difference, that too Texts transfer go can, The longer as 255 characters are.
P:L4 - area = contains whom Text ----- | $000D | wm_GetText | - determined whom Text one Steuerelementes and transfers it into Memory-Variable. These must enough dimensioniert his. deference: the abschliessende byte with the worth 0 is because of the Rückgabewertes self To settle!
These message corresponds to the XProfan-function @LINKF:[GETTEXT] with the Difference, that too Texts red go can, The longer as 255 characters are.
P:L3 - maximum To lesende Number of characters P:L4 - area = takes whom Text on
Return Value: Number of gelesenen characters ----- | $000E | wm_GetTextLength | - determined The length the Text in angegebenen Steuerelement
Return Value: length the Textes in Bytes ----- | $000F | wm_Paint | - claims the window to that Repaint on ----- | $0010 | wm_Close | - close the concerned Window ----- | $0011 | wm_QueryEndSession | - | $0012 | wm_Quit | - | $0013 | wm_QueryOpen | - | $0014 | wm_EraseBkGnd | - | $0015 | wm_SysColorChange | - | $0016 | wm_EndSession | - | $0018 | wm_ShowWindow | - | $0019 | wm_CtlColor | - | $001A | wm_WinIniChange | - | $001B | wm_DevModeChange | - | $001C | wm_ActivateApp | - | $001D | wm_FontChange | - | $001E | wm_TimeChange | - | $001F | wm_CancelMode | - | $0020 | wm_SetCursor | - | $0021 | wm_MouseActivate | - | $0022 | wm_ChildActivate | - | $0023 | wm_QueueSync | - | $0024 | wm_GetMinMaxInfo | - | $0026 | wm_PaintIcon | - | $0027 | wm_IconEraseBkGnd | - | $0028 | wm_NextDlgCtl | - | $002A | wm_SpoolerStatus | - | $002B | wm_DrawItem | - | $002C | wm_MeasureItem | - | $002D | wm_DeleteItem | - | $002E | wm_VKeyToItem | - | $002F | wm_CharToItem | - | $0030 | wm_SetFont | - setting whom Font (The Font) for the suitable Window or. Fensterelement. On these point can Editierfelder, Listboxes, Buttons, etc. with a spare wählbaren Font equipped go. in the System-Variables %LINKS:[FONT] is the lever to that lastly with LINK:[USEFONT] tuned Font include.
P:L3 - lever the Fonts (0 = Systemfont) P:L4 - >0 = element immediate Redraw. ----- | $0031 | wm_GetFont | - supply the lever the Fonts, the for the Dialogelement is used. | $0037 | wm_QueryDragIcon | - | $0039 | wm_CompareItem | - | $0041 | wm_Compacting | - | $0044 | wm_CommNotify | - | $0046 | wm_WindowPosChanging | - | $0047 | wm_WindowPosChanged | - | | | - | $0081 | wm_NCCreate | - | $0082 | wm_NCDestroy | - | $0083 | wm_NCCalcSize | - | $0084 | wm_NCHitTest | - | $0085 | wm_NCPaint | - | $0086 | wm_NCActivate | - | $0087 | wm_GetDlgCode | - | $00A0 | wm_NCMouseMove | - | $00A1 | wm_NCLButtonDown | - | $00A2 | wm_NCLButtonUp | - | $00A3 | wm_NCLButtonDblClk | - | $00A4 | wm_NCRButtonDown | - | $00A5 | wm_NCRButtonUp | - | $00A6 | wm_NCRButtonDblClk | - | $00A7 | wm_NCMButtonDown | - | $00A8 | wm_NCMButtonUp | - | $00A9 | wm_NCMButtonDblClk | - | | | - | $0100 | wm_KeyDown | - | $0101 | wm_KeyUp | - | $0102 | wm_Char | - | $0103 | wm_DeadChar | - | $0104 | wm_SysKeyDown | - | $0105 | wm_SysKeyUp | - | $0106 | wm_SysChar | - | $0107 | wm_SysDeadChar | - | | | - | $0110 | wm_InitDialog | - | $0111 | wm_Command | - | $0112 | wm_SysCommand | - | $0113 | wm_Timer | - | $0114 | wm_HScroll | - | $0115 | wm_VScroll | - | $0116 | wm_InitMenu | - | $0117 | wm_InitMenuPopup | - | $011F | wm_MenuSelect | - | $0120 | wm_MenuChar | - | $0121 | wm_EnterIdle | - | | | - | $0132 | wm_CtlColorMsgBox | - | $0133 | wm_CtlColorEdit | - | $0134 | wm_CtlColorListBox | - | $0135 | wm_CtlColorBtn | - | $0136 | wm_CtlColorDlg | - | $0137 | wm_CtlColorScrollbar | - | $0138 | wm_CtlColorStatic | - | | | - | $0200 | wm_MouseMove | - | $0201 | wm_LButtonDown | - | $0202 | wm_LButtonUp | - | $0203 | wm_LButtonDblClk | - | $0204 | wm_RButtonDown | - | $0205 | wm_RButtonUp | - | $0206 | wm_RButtonDblClk | - | $0207 | wm_MButtonDown | - | $0208 | wm_MButtonUp | - | $0209 | wm_MButtonDblClk | - | | | - | $0210 | wm_ParentNotify | - | | | - | $0220 | wm_MDICreate | - | $0221 | wm_MDIDestroy | - | $0222 | wm_MDIActivate | - | $0223 | wm_MDIRestore | - | $0224 | wm_MDINext | - | $0225 | wm_MDIMaximize | - | $0226 | wm_MDITile | - | $0227 | wm_MDICascade | - | $0228 | wm_MDIIconArrange | - | $0229 | wm_MDIGetActive | - | $0230 | wm_MDISetMenu | - | $0233 | wm_DropFiles | - | | | - | $0300 | wm_Cut | - copies whom marked Text into Clipboard. The markierte Text becomes deleted. ----- | $0301 | wm_Copy | - copies whom marked Text into Clipboard ----- | $0302 | wm_Paste | - Fügt Data from the Clipboard into Window on the actually Mauszeigerposition one ----- | $0303 | wm_Clear | - deletes The actually selection in a Window ----- | $0304 | wm_Undo | - power The latest action (z.B. Cut or paste) again rückgängig ----- | $0305 | wm_RenderFormat | - | $0306 | wm_RenderAllFormats | - | $0307 | wm_DestroyClipboard | - | $0308 | wm_DrawClipboard | - | $0309 | wm_PaintClipboard | - | $030A | wm_VScrollClipboard | - | $0305 | wm_SizeClipboard | - | $030D | wm_ChangeCBChain | - | $030E | wm_HScrollClipboard | - | $030F | wm_QueryNewPalette | - | $0310 | wm_PaletteIsChanging | - | $0311 | wm_PaletteChanged | -
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