
general-windows-messages Statement: Message-Handling

general windows-messages

Related: https://XProfan.com/konstanten.html 

$000Cwm_SetText- one Fensterelement becomes the in the Memory-Variables gespeicherte Text transfer. These message corresponds to the XProfan-commands LINKP:[SETTEXT] with the Difference, that too Texts transfer go can, The longer as 255 characters are.

P:L4 - area = contains whom Text
$000Dwm_GetText- determined whom Text one Steuerelementes and transfers it into Memory-Variable. These must enough dimensioniert his.
deference: the abschliessende byte with the worth 0 is because of the Rückgabewertes self To settle!

These message corresponds to the XProfan-function @LINKF:[GETTEXT] with the Difference, that too Texts red go can, The longer as 255 characters are.

P:L3 - maximum To lesende Number of characters
P:L4 - area = takes whom Text on

Return Value: Number of gelesenen characters
$000Ewm_GetTextLength- determined The length the Text in angegebenen Steuerelement

Return Value: length the Textes in Bytes
$000Fwm_Paint- claims the window to that Repaint on
$0010wm_Close- close the concerned Window
$0030wm_SetFont- setting whom Font (The Font) for the suitable Window or. Fensterelement. On these point can Editierfelder, Listboxes, Buttons, etc. with a spare wählbaren Font equipped go. in the System-Variables %LINKS:[FONT] is the lever to that lastly with LINK:[USEFONT] tuned Font include.

P:L3 - lever the Fonts (0 = Systemfont)
P:L4 - >0 = element immediate Redraw.
$0031wm_GetFont- supply the lever the Fonts, the for the Dialogelement is used.
$0300wm_Cut- copies whom marked Text into Clipboard. The markierte Text becomes deleted.
$0301wm_Copy- copies whom marked Text into Clipboard
$0302wm_Paste- Fügt Data from the Clipboard into Window on the actually Mauszeigerposition one
$0303wm_Clear- deletes The actually selection in a Window
$0304wm_Undo- power The latest action (z.B. Cut or paste) again rückgängig


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Peter Max Müller10/19/17
Michael Klumb03/02/16
Michael W.12/21/14


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