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 Michael Wodrich | GetDiskFreeSpaceEx supply data over the whole and the disengaged Speicherplatz one Laufwerks.
Deklaration: DEF @GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(4) !"kernel32","GetDiskFreeSpaceExA"
Parameter: P:B1 - address one Strings or Memory-Variable with a Strings, the the Rootverzeichnis the abzufragenden Laufwerks contains. P:B2 - ULARGE_INTEGER Structure or 8 byte Memory-Variable, The whom for actually User available Speicherplatz contains.=> byte 0-3 = The downstairs 4 Bytes the Wertes the disengaged Speicherplatzes (0 To 2^32-1 Bytes). byte 4-7 = The oberen 4 Bytes the Wertes the disengaged Speicherplatzes. (2^32 Bytes To 2^64-1 Bytes). P:B3 - ULARGE_INTEGER Structure or 8 byte Memory-Variable, The whom whole Speicherplatz the Laufwerks contains.=> byte 0-3 = The downstairs 4 Bytes the Wertes the disengaged Speicherplatzes (0 To 2^32-1 Bytes). byte 4-7 = The oberen 4 Bytes the Wertes the disengaged Speicherplatzes. (2^32 Bytes To 2^64-1 Bytes). P:B4 - ULARGE_INTEGER Structure or 8 byte Memory-Variable, The whom whole disengaged Speicherplatz the Laufwerks contains.=> byte 0-3 = The downstairs 4 Bytes the Wertes the disengaged Speicherplatzes (0 To 2^32-1 Bytes). byte 4-7 = The oberen 4 Bytes the Wertes the disengaged Speicherplatzes. (2^32 Bytes To 2^64-1 Bytes).
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 11/16/05 ▲ |