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Michael Wodrich | GetDriveType determined whom type one Laufwerks.
Deklaration: Def @GetDriveType(1) !"KERNEL32","GetDriveTypeA"
Parameter: P:B1 address one Strings or Memory-Variable with a String, the the Rootverzeichnis the Laufwerks angibt.
Return Value: The manner the Laufwerks. 0 = The Laufwerkstyp couldn't determined go. 1 = Daa Rootverzeichnis existing not. 2 = volume can from the unit entnommen go, z.B. Diskettenlaufwerk (DRIVE_REMOVABLE). 3 = volume can't from the unit entnommen go, z.B. Festplatte (DRIVE_FIXED). 4 = Netzwerklaufwerk (DRIVE_REMOTE). 5 = CD-ROM (DRIVE_CDROM). 6 = RAM-Disk (DRIVE_RAMDISK)
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 11/16/05 ▲ |