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 Michael Wodrich | GetFileSecurity determined Information over The Sicherheitseinstellungen of/ one File (Security Descriptor) a in NTFS partitionierten Festplatte. for the Access to The Sicherheitseinstellungen must one on The File or whom Ordner READ_CONTROL Zugriffsrechte having or the proprietor his.
Parameter: P:B1 - address one Strings or Memory-Variable with a String, the whom File- or Ordnernamen contains, to the one The Sicherheitsinformationen needed. P:L2 - ? Happen?, The indicate which Information one needed. differently ? Happen? can with | add go. => - $1 = determined Information over the proprietor the Folder or the File (OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION). - $2 = determined The primäre group (GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION). - $4 = determined Information over Zugriffsberechtigungen (DACL) of others Usern(DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION) - $8 = determined Information above, which Zugriffe of system transcribed (SACL) go.(SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION). for this grabbed becomes one aktives privilege SeSecurityPrivilege needed (Token). P:B3 - enough dimensionierte Memory-Variable, a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure aufnimmt, The The angefragten Info contains. The contents this structure should not directly read go - for there further API's. P:L4 - The Size the Memory-Variables from Parameter 3 in Bytes as LongInt. P:B5 - 4 byte large Memory-Variable, The The benötigte Size of Parameter 3 aufnimmt. These function there only NT-based Windowssystemen.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/29/05 ▲ |