
GetTokenInformation, ADVAPI32 API: Security, internet, networking


GetTokenInformation reads from the Access Token one eingelogten Users Information from (u.a. over this User).

DEF @GetTokenInformation(5) !"advapi32","GetTokenInformation"

P:L1lever the Access Token. the lever must TOKEN_QUERY ($8) Zugriffrechte having. should The fountain the Tokens determined go, is too TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE Access necessary ($10).
P:L2One TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS Flag, the angibt which Information read go should. =>
$1= determined whom Usernamen (whom SID the Users) from the Token (TokenUser)
$2= determined The groups (SID?s the groups), in them the User Member is (TokenGroups).
$3= determined The Privilegien (LUID?s) and its attributes, over The the User verfügt (TokenPrivileges).
$4= determined whom User or The group (SID), The at create Objects as proprietor registered becomes (TokenOwner).
$5= determined The Primäre group (SID) the Users (TokenPrimaryGroup).
$6= determined whom DACL, the at produce Objects by the User as standard is used (TokenDefaultDacl).
$7= determined The fountain one Token (TokenSource).
$8= determined whom type the Token (TokenType).
$9= determined whom Security Impersonation Level one Impersonation Token (TokenImpersonationLevel).).
$10= determined data over The ID the Token (TokenId), The ID the Session (AuthenticationId), whom type the Token, whom Impersonation Level one Imoersonation Token (ImpersonationLevel), whom verwendeten Speicherplatz (DynamicCharged), The Number of groups in the Token (GroupCount), The Number of Privilegien in the Token (PrivilegeCount) and over The latest Veränderung the Token (ModifiedId).
P:B3an Memory-Variable, The The angefragten data aufnimmt:
If Parameter 2 whom subesquent worth has..., then...
Par.2then is Parameter 3...
$1a 8 byte large TOKEN_USER structure.=>
0-3= address the SID the Users, whom the Token personifiziert.
4-7= ? Happen? for attributes the SID?s the Users, to Time not used.
$2a TOKEN_GROUPS structure, from one aray from SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Structures and the Number of groups exists:
0-3= Number of groups in the aray.
4-7= address the SID?s the 1.group.
8-11= ? Happen? for attributes the SID?s the 1. group:
$1= group can't deleted go (SE_GROUP_MANDATORY).
$2= group is standardmäßig activate (SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT).
$4= group is active (SE_GROUP_ENABLED).
$8= group can one proprietor Objects his (SE_GROUP_OWNER).
$C0000000= group is a Logonname (SE_GROUP_LOGON_ID).
12-15= address the SID?s the 2.group.
16-19= ? Happen? for attributes the SID?s the 2. group
$3a 4 byte large TOKEN_Owner structure.=>
0-3= Number of Privilegien in the aray.
4-11= LUID the 1.Privilegs.
12-15= ? Happen? for attributes the 1.Privilegs:
$0= privilege is deaktiviert.
$1= privilege is standardmäßig activate.
$2= privilege is activate.
$80000000= privilege watts to that grabbed using.
16-23= LUID the 2.Privilegs.
24-27= ? Happen? for attributes the 2.Privilegs:
$4a 4 byte large TOKEN_OWNER structure.=>
0-3= address the SID?s the Users or the group, The at create Objects as proprietor registered becomes.
$5a 4 byte large TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP structure.=>
0-3= address the SID?s the Primären group the Users.
$6a 4 byte large TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL structure.=>
0-3= address the DACL?s, the at produce Objects by the User as standard is used.
$7a 16 byte large TOKEN_SOURCE structure.=>
0-7= 8 byte great Charakterstring, the The fountain the Token angibt.
8-15= LUID the fountain the Token.
$8a 4 byte large TOKEN_TYPE structure, its LongInt worth The manner the Token angibt.=>
$1= Primärer Token (TokenPrimary).
$2= Impersonation Token (TokenImpersonation)
$9a 4 byte large SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL structure, its LongInt worth whom Impersonation Level the Token angibt, if this one Impersonation Token is. =>
$1= SecurityAnonymous
$2= SecurityIdentification
$3= SecurityImpersonation
$4= SecurityDelegation
$10a 52 byte large TOKEN_STATISTICS structure.=>
0-7= LUID, the The ID the Token repräsentiert.
8-15= LUID, the The Session repräsentiert.
16-19= Ablaufzeit the Token. Currently not supported.
20-23= Flag for manner the Token.
$1= Primärer Token (TokenPrimary).
$2= Impersonation Token (TokenImpersonation)
24-27= Impersonation Level the Token, if this one Impersonation Token is.
$1= SecurityAnonymous
$2= SecurityIdentification
$3= SecurityImpersonation
$4= SecurityDelegation
28-31= The Number of Bytes, The to that Save Primärer group and DACL reserved are.
32-35= The Number of Bytes, The in the reserved Speicherbereich of Primärer group and DACL yet spare are.
36-39= Number of groups in the Token as LongInt.
40-43= Number of Privilegien in the Token as LongInt.
44-51= LUID the itself each time changes, if itself something in the Token changed.
P:L4the stature in Bytes the Bereichs from Parameter 3
P:B54 byte Memory-Variable, The The Number of for Parameter 3 required Bytes aufnimmt. is these number larger as Parameter 4, go no data in Parameter 3 transfer and the function proposes fehl.
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