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Alloziert a Speicherblock from the Heap, d.h. points one block virtuellem Prozessspeicher real existierenden Memory.
Def LocalAlloc(2) !"kernel32", "LocalAlloc"
P:L1 an combination following Konstanten: ~LMEM_FIXED = $0 The address the zugewisenen Speicherbereichs in the virtual Prozessspeicher can not change and the lever enspricht the address the allocated Speichers. can't with ~LMEM_MOVEABLE or ~LMEM_DISCARDABLE combined go
~LMEM_MOVEABLE = $2, can't with ~GMEM_FIXED combined go. The address the virtual Prozessspeichers can itself change and the lever verweist on The actually Afresse.
~LPTR = $40 ~LHND = $42 ~LMEM_DISCARDABLE = $F00, can't with ~LMEM_FIXED combined go
~LMEM_NOCOMPACT = $10 ~LMEM_NODISCARD = $20 ~LMEM_ZEROINIT = $40, Initialisiert whom Speicherinhalt with zero
P:L2 Size& (Size the Speichers in byte) from Sicherheitsgründen is virtueller Prozessspeicher in 32-bit windows always lokaler memory and not global zugänglich. it exists therefore no Difference between memory, the with LocalAlloc and memory the with GlobalAlloc allocated watts!
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