
long procedure: memory, drive, way, File

P:B1: Memory-Variable (must with DECLARE declared his) or Longint
P:L2: LongInt - address in the Bereichsvatiablen
n: LongInt - worth (0 .. 4,29 Billion)

the Long (32-bit-worth = 4 byte) on the address (Offset) A in the Speicherbereich V becomes on the worth n staid. lying A outside the with DIM allocated Speichers, results a Error Message.
with usage one Longints in lieu of the Memory-Variables finds no Überprüfung instead of. incorrect values produce here a Schutzverletzung.

XPSE -User can Long too use circa variables of type long To deklarieren. Derart declared variables can using <u>ohne</u> its Variablensuffix (in the drop: "&") anzugeben.
long a,b,c//declared The Longs a&,b& and c&
long a=20,b=10,c=30// derklariert The Longs and points same values To

in the nachfolgenden code must then not any more (but can!) a& or b& or c& written go separate z.B. just

feature functions with String , Long , Int , Bool , Float . Info: there four byte written go, go The Adressen A To A+3 using, where on address A the niedrigstwertige and on address A+3 the höchstwertige byte written becomes. should mehere LongInt into area written go, about for a aray To simulate, so is between whom Adressen one stood off of 4 einzuhalten.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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