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![Michael Wodrich: 07/30/05](.././../../i/a/8.gif) Michael Wodrich | declared LookupAccountName determined from the Accountnamen and the names the Systems whom dazugehörigen SID (Security Identifier).
Parameter: P:L1 - address the Strings, the whom Systemnamen contains or 0 for actually computer. P:L2 - address the Strings, the whom Accountnamen contains. P:B3 - an enough large Memory-Variable, The whom SID aufnimmt. P:B4 - an four byte large Memory-Variable, in the The Size the in Parameter 3 angegebenen Bereichs standing. P:B5 - an enough large Memory-Variable, The whom Domainnamen aufnimmt, on the the Accountname gelistet is. P:B6 - an four byte large Memory-Variable, in the The Size the in Parameter 5 angegebenen Bereichs standing. P:B7 - SID_NAME_USE Structure or 4 byte large Memory-Variable, The a Flag for manner the Accounts aufnimmt, if The function zurückkehrt..
Flag | Description | $1 | = Username (SidTypeUser) | $2 | = Gruppenname (SidTypeGroup) | $3 | = Domain (SidTypeDomain) | $4 | = SidTypeAlias | $5 | = SidTypeWellKnownGroup | $6 | = Gelöschter Account (SidTypeDeletedAccount) | $7 | = SidTypeInvalid | $8 | = SidTypeUnknown | | These API there only NT-based Windowssystemen.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/30/05 ▲ |